So a deadname means their actual birth name?
Its faggotsprak for the name that's on all their official documents but is not what they want humans to call them.
Bruce Jenner.
Yes, they call it a deadname because they want anyone who uses their original, real name to die.
I thought it was to symbolize their rebirth into the abomination they've become hence leaving their original birth identity as dead.
Deadname is a beautiful double entendre in the end as it's also the name that will be on their tombstone after they kill themselves.
I love it when things are taken to the letter rather than to the spirit of the words.
A popular jewish search engine.
Duck Duck Go for me.
That's what I use, however, most searches aggregate from Google in some fashion.
Glad to know I didn’t know what this dumv fantasy shit meant.
(post is archived)