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[–] 14 pts

The female ego is going to be one of the biggest drivers of society. It's soooo easy to target.

Over 70% of domestic spending is from women. Probably more like 90% if you include all the shit men buy to please women.

They're gonna keep driving into these fantasies as time goes on

[–] 6 pts

Dude, wife and I have been sick and are self quarantining. It means sitting home and doing fuck all, no going to the store for anything. Day 9, so it's been bullshit just doing nothing, but isn't that bad.

Mind you, we have a shit ton of food, frozen meals, frozen steaks, chicken, pork, and lots of veggies, as well as a bunch of cookies/crackers/snacks--all the shit I can't stand, because I prefer to eat meals. Tonight, I got hungry for a change and had a hot dog and 1/2 can of black beans. Filled me up, and even still, I have a few frozen packs of dogs and at least 40 cans of beans, corn, black beans. My point is, we have food. We aren't going to starve, by any means.

It's literally driving her insane. She fucking HAS TO go spend money. Asking what I need from Amazon or Instacart. I've said "I don't fucking need anything, neither do you, STOP fucking spending money on shit we don't need or frankly want".

Her friend drops off bread (which we literally have 4-5 loaves in the freezer), sodas, a few more other things--I didn't even look I was so pissed off.

These fucking bitches wouldn't last during a full on epidemic, nor would they have any fucking clue on how to survive when food runs out. I'm seriously re-evaluating shit in my life because of this.

[–] 1 pt

It's foraging instinct. Men hunt, women gather. Shopping very much fills that need to forage. You have to train her how to forage in the pantry instead of the supermarket.

[–] 0 pt

This may be the best explanation here. While everyone else is "you gotta do this", or "fuck you're wrong dude, do your job better"...They're just tards voicing an opposite opinion. You've given me something to think about.

This goes back much further. Instinctual.

Another instinctual process I see is women never being satisfied. Doesn't matter how big or full the pantry is, it won't be enough.

[–] 0 pt

Every problem with women comes down to their training

[–] 0 pt

Hotdogs and canned stuff is bad for u m8. Same with kraft dinner and cheese products lowers male testosterone

[–] 0 pt

I didn't need much, is my point. One hot dog a month won't kill me and is an acceptable risk. I eat well, I exercise, and am in general good health.

And no, black beans is a favorite, low fat, high protein side dish.

[–] 0 pt

You know what's fucked up too? Women are told all their lives by all of society they're so strong and just as tough as men. Yet they need this constant drip feed of shopping seratonin to get by. Same as candy - they always have a stash of chocolate or something

Then on top of shopping and monopolizing all the stuff in your house, they need to micromanage every little thing you do. Shits never in the place you left it, things get organized that don't need organizing, etc

Yet Feminism says were the same...

[–] 0 pt

You're making a mistake. You don't need to argue with her. Just take away the credit card and gently tell her that you'll handle things until she can cope a little better. Also give her work to keep her busy.

[–] 4 pts

Yeah from a consumerism angle they are a must have in terms of spending

[–] 3 pts

Absolutely. Esp if your business "supports women" or some other bullshit

[–] 0 pt

Biggest driver in being the fastest possible drive straight off a cliff.