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[–] [deleted] 16 pts

I wouldn't care if they called the team, "the honkeys" or "the crackers" or "the motherfucking whiteys"

[–] 8 pts

There was an intramural basketball team called The Fighting Whites (en.wikipedia.org).

[–] [deleted] 8 pts

How ironic that people loved it so much they started selling shirts and added a comment to make it into the racist issue that it wouldn't become.

"It's not so noce when it happens to you is it? Oh, it is? Well, let me move the goalpost."

[–] 5 pts (edited )

The New York Yankees, even...

Fighting Irish...

The Toronto Maple Leafs...

Dallas Cowboys...




There are lots of sportsball teams with traditionally-white roots (not a lot of black Saints out there) that could be considered mocking. Some teams (e.g. Boilermakers) took an intended insult and turned it in to a mascot/badge of honor sort of thing.

Other races have been gaslighted by kikes into feeling oppressed by words.

[–] 4 pts

Other races have been gaslighted by kikes into feeling oppressed by words.

It's called magical thinking. Non-white races are generally of low intelligence, and they engage in a lot of magical thinking -- the belief that saying something is so makes it so.

[–] 0 pt

I guess that's why chinks take being called chinks/slants/gooks/etc. so much better than niggers take being called nigger. I mean it's rude at worst and even endearing depending on context (like calling germans "krauts" or my Italian uncle who liked to be called "Dago" - seriously I called him Dago, by his request, most of my childhood without knowing it was a slur).

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Other races know they suck. Most indians like the Redskins. It is their high school mascot in at least one reservation school.

[–] 0 pt

Yea just like "Yanks" and "Rebels" are proudly worn by anyone who has right to them - in context of course. Like if a brit said "I'm gonna lamp you you fuckin yank!" I'd probably take it a little more offensively than if they said "You yanks are alright." It wasn't the indians getting offended about Redskins thought - it was dipshit jews and white sjws being offended on their behalf.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Yeah I don’t think I would find it offensive if I were a Native American, either. But considering the origins of the word, I kind of get it if it bothers some people. Most of them do not care. The vast vast majority of them do not care. It’s mostly guilty white and a few natives.

What is a Maple Leaf and a Knick in reference to people?

[–] 1 pt

A Knick is short for knickerbocker. It's a style of pants originally worn by dutch settlers and thanks to a book by Washington Irving, eventually became a nickname for Manhattan natives, particularly those who could trace their lineage all the way back to Dutch settlers.


[–] 1 pt

Canadians are often referred to as "Leafs" (I've definitely heard and probably said "Shut up, Leaf!" to a Canuck before... hey, Canucks are a sports team too!) and Knickerbockers were pretty much exclusively a white person fashion thing but that's admittedly a stretch.

* oh and of course Canadians have been white forever.

Still, point stands firmly that other races are bitches for taking words too seriously. And, in their defense (red niggers anyway), it mostly wasn't them complaining about being called "redskins" or "indians," it was dipshit sjw and jews being offended on their behalf.

[–] 2 pts

I'd be disturbed by the fact that a team full of niggers is playing as the "Caucasians."

[–] 2 pts

I would be the Cracker Ass Crackers biggest fan.

[–] 1 pt

Cracker ass honkys would be my team.

[–] 1 pt

The whiteys would be force to be reckoned with

[–] 1 pt

Everyone gets all uppity. I am with you. Call them the white bread chicken shits for all I care. I would just laugh and so would most other rational people.