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©2024 Poal.co

Poal's annual holiday year-in-review and awards show!

> At least twice as many categories as ever before!

Previous years' winners: 2022 2021 2019 (hey @Frosty where are the 2020 and 2019 winners documented, eh?)

I won the privilege to host the 2023 Frosties and I guarantee it (i.e. the live show where we do the voting) will happen on the date I say it will (to be announced), last week of December sometime.

> We'll vote and name winners on December 27 starting at 9 eastern / 8 central / 7 mountain / 6 pacific. (converter for other folks (timeanddate.com)) It might take a few hours; join as you'd like!

> We'll meet in the Poal chat room. We use the Mumble client, with server set to "cast.poal.co" and port set to "64738".

> If you just want to listen in, go to http://cast.poal.co

For all you fucks who wondered where I went, it's a hell of a long trip to my planet and back. Fuck all y'all!


I may entertain new category suggestions but I think we've got a good list going already. Contemporaneous nominations will be taken but it's a pain in the ass.

denotes winner

❄️Best Post

❄️Best Shitpost

❄️Best Poll

❄️Most Valuable Poster

❄️Most Valuable Commenter

  • @Khro_ (see examples in the comments)

❄️Most Valuable Shitposter

❄️Best OC (meme, photos, video)

❄️Best OC (text post)

❄️Best Comment

❄️Best pic8 Album

❄️Best White Nationalist / NSDAP content

❄️Most Useful Resource/Link

❄️Biggest Thorn in AOU's side

❄️Biggest Faggot

❄️Most Likely to Flood /s/all/new with crap

❄️Most Likely to not be Human

❄️Best Cry

❄️Best Rant

❄️Best Injury

❄️Best Redemption Arc

❄️Most Wholesome Real World Hobby

❄️Most Likely to Subvert Poal

  • (group) All Poalrs who earned glownigger tags
  • ⭐(group) All Poalrs who earned happy merchant tags

❄️Most Likely to Falsely Accuse a Poalr of Being a jew

❄️Most Likely to Correctly Accuse a Poalr of Being a jew

❄️Most Likely to be Mistaken for Another User

❄️Most Likely to Roll a New Account

❄️Best Introduction Post

❄️Craziest comment:upvote ratio

❄️Most Likely to Play Devil's Advocate

❄️Most Likely to Start a New Sub

❄️Most Autistic

❄️Best one-liner

❄️How the hell did this user find Poal?

❄️Least likely to post shit that'd get you banned elsewhere

  • @Yukon, our newish friend whose post and comment history is quite mild
  • @ape147, with periodic food and dog posts

❄️Most out-of-character post/comment (i.e. exuberance from a Poalr who is otherwise blackpilled)

❄️Nuttiest new theory

❄️Most Duplicated Post

❄️Best Doglien

❄️Most jewish

  • @ardvarcus who built an account over two years only to expose themselves as a shill

❄️Best ex-Poalr

❄️Best OCHOdePOAL Contribution

Categories cancelled for 2023 due to lack of nominations (or no significant data to support) ❄️Most Banned ❄️Most Frequently Moved Posts ❄️Most Annoying Sub Owner ❄️Most Pedantic ❄️Most Chill (get it? do you get it? do you get my joke?) ❄️Neediest Poalr (rephrase... someone who comes back time and time again for advice) ❄️Poal's Favorite Alcoholic


Reply to this post (top level, not a comment) with the category(ies) and a username(s) or link to the comment(s) or post(s). Examples of why you nominate a particular user are also welcome and fun. I have been watching everyone closely and have numerous nominations of my own, which I'll add over the next few weeks.


I nominate @Morbo to put a big-brained human-hating alien's mirror up to Poal's shenanigans throughout the coming year and host the Frosties 2024!

#Poal's annual holiday year-in-review and awards show! >> At least twice as many categories as ever before! Previous years' winners: [2022](https://poal.co/s/Frosties2022/613983) [2021](https://poal.co/s/TheFrosties/487062) [2019](https://poal.co/s/TheFrosties/123748) (hey @Frosty where are the 2020 and 2019 winners documented, eh?) I won the privilege to host the 2023 Frosties and I guarantee it *(i.e. the live show where we do the voting)* will happen **on the date I say it will** (to be announced), last week of December sometime. >> We'll vote and name winners on December 27 starting at 9 eastern / 8 central / 7 mountain / 6 pacific. ([converter for other folks](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html)) It might take a few hours; join as you'd like! >> We'll meet in the Poal chat room. We use the Mumble client, with server set to "cast.poal.co" and port set to "64738". >> If you just want to listen in, go to http://cast.poal.co For all you fucks who wondered where I went, it's a hell of a long trip to my planet and back. Fuck all y'all! #CATEGORIES *I may entertain new category suggestions but I think we've got a good list going already. Contemporaneous nominations will be taken but it's a pain in the ass.* ⭐*denotes winner* ❄️Best Post - @Titus_of_Voat's [Submit your nominations for most insufferable cunt in America! I'll start with two.](https://poal.co/s/cunt/686241) - @AOU's [A beautiful video of a Swedish Woman wanting to preserve her heritage and Culture](https://poal.co/s/WhiteBeauty/674138) - @daskapitalist's [Communist Coercive Methods For Eliciting Compliance Compared To Covid-19](https://poal.co/s/CoronaVirus/667149) - ⭐@Vastrightwing's [EV's aren't about being green, they're more like short leashes gating you in.](https://poal.co/s/WEF/620295) - @AOU's [Bloomberg film critic writer who attempted to smear the ‘Sound of Freedom’ film as a far right “QAnon dog whistle” is a degenerate pedo jew rat](https://poal.co/s/PedosExposed/654882) ❄️Best Shitpost - ⭐@Aj's [My Life and Times with a Bidet.](https://poal.co/s/TellPoal/497085) - @business_route's [If you can't take all the grocery bags from the car into the house in one trip, can you really call yourself a man?](https://poal.co/s/IceChest/632260) - @Ivan's [Does success in skilled work imbue people with an inflated sense of self-worth?](https://poal.co/s/AskPoal/664235) ❄️Best Poll - ⭐@suplex's [Do you use anything like ivermectin or fenbendazole?](https://poal.co/s/AskPoal/670837) ❄️Most Valuable Poster - ⭐@StabEm - @-___- ❄️Most Valuable Commenter - ⭐@Khro_ (see examples in the comments) ❄️Most Valuable Shitposter - @Intrinsic - @business_route - @hystereichal - ⭐@Boone ❄️Best OC (meme, photos, video) - ⭐@Norse's [So, I had to go to Auschwitz for work...](https://poal.co/s/Pics/673473) - @BlackCrimesMatter's [Civil War II - The Coming Breakup of America](https://poal.co/s/BlackCrimesMatter/640504) ❄️Best OC (text post) - @IndoAryan's [Autism Has Soared 28x Since the 1960s, but Why?](https://poal.co/s/Science/484562) - @silent_minority's [Proper far right ideology](https://poal.co/s/USPolitics/484828) - ⭐@Smedleys_Butler-1's ["I Woke Up to World War III"](https://poal.co/s/SmedleysPorch/671942) - ⭐@StabEm's [I've decided to take time to write a brief version of history on Croatian War of Independence](https://poal.co/s/TellPoal/671557) - [deleted]'s [Grifters Paradise](https://poal.co/s/ShowerThoughts/645963) - @BANKSTER_COMMANDO's [Deep dive on Hydroxyapatite vs. Fluoride and your teeth](https://poal.co/s/Science/615415) ❄️Best Comment - @beaudacious's [comment on failed fathers](https://poal.co/s/WhiteBeauty/681274/862f27ea-09ba-40df-94ce-228f55880e65#cmnts) - @dampcat's [comment on the Afghanistan shitshow](https://poal.co/s/History/270372/3c2ab45b-375d-49b6-8c22-256d2f5b0196#cmnts) - @BloodyComet's [comment detailing the Ukraine shitshow](https://poal.co/s/WorldNews/508602/bfab700c-bed7-430f-90e5-c95dc95f66c8#cmnts) - @ardvarcus's [comment on the nature of jews](https://poal.co/s/AskPoal/533503/f2e2b1e4-40d7-4090-ae3d-6280cd1eba12#cmnts) - ⭐@NoisySilence's [comment on intimacy and pair bonding](https://poal.co/s/TellPoal/542341/8773d322-826a-4167-8000-c520a1a3e2de#cmnts) - @Ivan's [comment on paganism](https://poal.co/s/AskPoal/670082/4e4584db-a80c-4881-b301-4d6ddb52394f#cmnts) ❄️Best pic8 Album - ⭐@Watcher_Down's [The American dream! - what the fuck happened on the way?](https://poal.co/s/Pics/493844) - @AOU's [The jews and their lies, trying to rewrite history through kikepedia.](https://poal.co/s/History/672840) ❄️Best White Nationalist / NSDAP content - @Dima's [Happy Birthday](https://poal.co/s/Anything/528407) - @MyPlums3453's [this narrative is so tired and retarded](https://poal.co/s/Racism/685792/bc36efae-c901-4384-933b-5efb5a334119#cmnts) comment - ⭐@Khro_'s [Saga - Singing live in London in 2009 with a club filled with White Nationalist brothers singing along with her](https://poal.co/s/1488Music/663265) - @AOU's [Ethnics will tell you Whites have no culture...](https://poal.co/s/WhitePride/656824) ❄️Most Useful Resource/Link - [deleted]'s [A look at search engines with their own indexes](https://poal.co/s/technology/527373) - @daskapitalist's [Remember, Your Replacements Hate You](https://poal.co/s/Immigration/541507) - [deleted]'s [The following are books written by National Socialist leaders and should be studied closely](https://poal.co/s/History/270372/3c2ab45b-375d-49b6-8c22-256d2f5b0196#cmnts) - ⭐@AmericanThinker's [4Get - A metasearch engine that *really* respects your privacy.](https://poal.co/s/docker/672351) - @Gigaslayer's [Nonfren Radar - A browser script that detects kikes](https://poal.co/s/technology/671714) - @webrustler's [Way cool pop density and other map visualizations](https://poal.co/s/DataIsBeautiful/667597) - @Grandmacaesar's [Be a Mensch and Take Time To Learn More About These 100 Jewish Last Names](https://poal.co/s/kikes/615464) ❄️Biggest Thorn in AOU's side - @webofslime - @Anticlutch - ⭐@Boone ❄️Biggest Faggot - ⭐@picman - @BillCarson - @Boone ❄️Most Likely to Flood /s/all/new with crap - ⭐@-____- - @hystereichal - @asiatrails ❄️Most Likely to not be Human - @Pauline - ⭐@Intrinsic - @germanshepherd - @stupidbird - @Fumduck - @-___- ❄️Best Cry - ⭐@Chimpfighter's [Why am I sad and angry all the time ?](https://poal.co/s/AskPoal/614820) - @business_route's [Friends, I don't think this world has need of me. Maybe I'll try another time after reincarnation.](https://poal.co/s/poalconfessional/678902) ❄️Best Rant - @suplex for [Fuck! now I just blend in with all the other blue fuckers!](https://poal.co/s/TellPoal/684901) - ⭐@ScreamingRubberBand for [Fuck Celestron](https://poal.co/s/TellPoal/669553) ❄️Best Injury - ⭐@ChristoDeFetus ([post](https://poal.co/s/RealWhatever/668548) and [post](https://poal.co/s/RealWhatever/676735)) ❄️Best Redemption Arc - ⭐@Theodore_Kent ❄️Most Wholesome Real World Hobby - @Gumbatron's [gardening and greenhouse](https://poal.co/s/DIY/675419) - @stupidbird's vintage electronics, hamfests, flea markets, and general scrounging for great resources like [this](https://poal.co/s/books/648389) - @Boone's goose breeding - ⭐@Professor_de_la_Paz's [animal rescue advocacy](https://poal.co/s/RescueDogs/new) - @GlamourSpork's [sharing cooking recipes](https://poal.co/u/GlamourSpork/subposts/Food) - @Fumduck's [cocktail tradition](https://poal.co/u/Fumduck/subposts/cocktails) (even if he deletes all his posts after 90 days...) - @Gumbatron's [machining](https://poal.co/u/Gumbatron/subposts/Machining) ❄️Most Likely to Subvert Poal - (group) All Poalrs who earned glownigger tags - ⭐(group) All Poalrs who earned happy merchant tags ❄️Most Likely to Falsely Accuse a Poalr of Being a jew - @AOU - ⭐@Anticlutch ❄️Most Likely to Correctly Accuse a Poalr of Being a jew - ⭐@AOU - @Anticlutch ❄️Most Likely to be Mistaken for Another User - ⭐@John_Galt (mistaken for @Johngaltapproves) ❄️Most Likely to Roll a New Account - ⭐@Intrinsic - @Caliope - @-___- ❄️Best Introduction Post - ⭐@Art_Heals ([post](https://poal.co/s/Introductions/659094/417c9656-a065-4548-a894-e62c757d459d)) - @picman ([post](https://poal.co/s/Introductions/635061)) ❄️Craziest comment:upvote ratio - ⭐@ColeO's [What generation makes up the majority of the "muh boomer" hate on'ers you think](https://poal.co/s/AskPoal/654654) ❄️Most Likely to Play Devil's Advocate - @meepwa - @Morbo - @BANKSTER_COMMANDO - @Boone - @Ivan - ⭐@starjello - @Grandmacaesar ❄️Most Likely to Start a New Sub - ⭐@-___- - @Anticlutch ❄️Most Autistic - @Khro_ - ⭐@Anticlutch - @stupidbird ❄️Best one-liner - ⭐@CanIPlay2 [post](https://poal.co/s/WatchNiggersDie/685207/4920a9a2-306d-43b8-a9ef-9f7312b291f8#cmnts) - @hystereichal [post](https://poal.co/s/Woke/687750/0b30a642-8e05-4bd8-aadc-cdae63c32d9a) ❄️How the hell did this user find Poal? - ⭐@Vgir (see [introduction](https://poal.co/s/Introductions/687740) and follow-up comments upon interrogation - @Awash (see [introduction](https://poal.co/s/Introductions/660653) and follow-up comments upon interrogation - @Hawksearcher, the musical mage (see [introduction](https://poal.co/s/Introductions/619892) and follow-up comments upon interrogation ❄️Least likely to post shit that'd get you banned elsewhere - @Yukon, our newish friend whose post and comment history is quite mild - ⭐@ape147, with periodic food and dog posts ❄️Most out-of-character post/comment (i.e. exuberance from a Poalr who is otherwise blackpilled) - ⭐@Anticlutch's [Help me find a leather jacket.](https://poal.co/s/Clothes/687850) ❄️Nuttiest new theory - ⭐[Parasites](https://poal.co/s/LGBT/559994) - [Smart Dust](https://poal.co/s/AskPoal/652611) - [CICO isn't real](https://poal.co/s/MeanwhileOnReddit/683510/6fa88924-f1fd-4195-a3ae-477c167f3c9f#cmnts) - [Shadow People](https://poal.co/s/AskPoal/635718) ❄️Most Duplicated Post - ⭐@suplex's "Fuck all yall" (see instances [here](https://poal.co/s/Frosties2023/685023/fcdedcac-0897-43b5-ade1-590f9312d685#cmnts)) ❄️Best Doglien - ⭐@Intrinsic ❄️Most jewish - ⭐@ardvarcus who built an account over two years only to expose themselves as a shill ❄️Best ex-Poalr - ⭐@shitskinned_faggot - where the hell did you go? ❄️Best OCHOdePOAL Contribution - ⭐@Silently_Screaming's [Baconny Night](https://poal.co/s/OCHOdePOAL/666926) - ⭐@CTCZ's [2021: A Bacon Odyssey](https://poal.co/s/OCHOdePOAL/477058) - ⭐@FunkyPurpleKitty's [In loving memory](https://poal.co/s/OCHOdePOAL/533926) **Categories cancelled for 2023** due to lack of nominations (or no significant data to support) ❄️Most Banned ❄️Most Frequently Moved Posts ❄️Most Annoying Sub Owner ❄️Most Pedantic ❄️Most Chill (get it? do you get it? do you get my joke?) ❄️Neediest Poalr (rephrase... someone who comes back time and time again for advice) ❄️Poal's Favorite Alcoholic #HOW TO NOMINATE Reply to this post (top level, not a comment) with the category(ies) and a username(s) or link to the comment(s) or post(s). Examples of why you nominate a particular user are also welcome and fun. I have been watching everyone closely and have numerous nominations of my own, which I'll add over the next few weeks. #SEE YOU NEXT YEAR I nominate @Morbo to put a big-brained human-hating alien's mirror up to Poal's shenanigans throughout the coming year and host the [Frosties 2024](https://poal.co/s/Frosties2024/hot)!

(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts


[–] 5 pts


[–] 5 pts


[–] 6 pts (edited )