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Poal's annual holiday year-in-review and awards show!

> At least twice as many categories as ever before!

Previous years' winners: 2022 2021 2019 (hey @Frosty where are the 2020 and 2019 winners documented, eh?)

I won the privilege to host the 2023 Frosties and I guarantee it (i.e. the live show where we do the voting) will happen on the date I say it will (to be announced), last week of December sometime.

> We'll vote and name winners on December 27 starting at 9 eastern / 8 central / 7 mountain / 6 pacific. (converter for other folks (timeanddate.com)) It might take a few hours; join as you'd like!

> We'll meet in the Poal chat room. We use the Mumble client, with server set to "cast.poal.co" and port set to "64738".

> If you just want to listen in, go to http://cast.poal.co

For all you fucks who wondered where I went, it's a hell of a long trip to my planet and back. Fuck all y'all!


I may entertain new category suggestions but I think we've got a good list going already. Contemporaneous nominations will be taken but it's a pain in the ass.

denotes winner

❄️Best Post

❄️Best Shitpost

❄️Best Poll

❄️Most Valuable Poster

❄️Most Valuable Commenter

  • @Khro_ (see examples in the comments)

❄️Most Valuable Shitposter

❄️Best OC (meme, photos, video)

❄️Best OC (text post)

❄️Best Comment

❄️Best pic8 Album

❄️Best White Nationalist / NSDAP content

❄️Most Useful Resource/Link

❄️Biggest Thorn in AOU's side

❄️Biggest Faggot

❄️Most Likely to Flood /s/all/new with crap

❄️Most Likely to not be Human

❄️Best Cry

❄️Best Rant

❄️Best Injury

❄️Best Redemption Arc

❄️Most Wholesome Real World Hobby

❄️Most Likely to Subvert Poal

  • (group) All Poalrs who earned glownigger tags
  • ⭐(group) All Poalrs who earned happy merchant tags

❄️Most Likely to Falsely Accuse a Poalr of Being a jew

❄️Most Likely to Correctly Accuse a Poalr of Being a jew

❄️Most Likely to be Mistaken for Another User

❄️Most Likely to Roll a New Account

❄️Best Introduction Post

❄️Craziest comment:upvote ratio

❄️Most Likely to Play Devil's Advocate

❄️Most Likely to Start a New Sub

❄️Most Autistic

❄️Best one-liner

❄️How the hell did this user find Poal?

❄️Least likely to post shit that'd get you banned elsewhere

  • @Yukon, our newish friend whose post and comment history is quite mild
  • @ape147, with periodic food and dog posts

❄️Most out-of-character post/comment (i.e. exuberance from a Poalr who is otherwise blackpilled)

❄️Nuttiest new theory

❄️Most Duplicated Post

❄️Best Doglien

❄️Most jewish

  • @ardvarcus who built an account over two years only to expose themselves as a shill

❄️Best ex-Poalr

❄️Best OCHOdePOAL Contribution

Categories cancelled for 2023 due to lack of nominations (or no significant data to support) ❄️Most Banned ❄️Most Frequently Moved Posts ❄️Most Annoying Sub Owner ❄️Most Pedantic ❄️Most Chill (get it? do you get it? do you get my joke?) ❄️Neediest Poalr (rephrase... someone who comes back time and time again for advice) ❄️Poal's Favorite Alcoholic


Reply to this post (top level, not a comment) with the category(ies) and a username(s) or link to the comment(s) or post(s). Examples of why you nominate a particular user are also welcome and fun. I have been watching everyone closely and have numerous nominations of my own, which I'll add over the next few weeks.


I nominate @Morbo to put a big-brained human-hating alien's mirror up to Poal's shenanigans throughout the coming year and host the Frosties 2024!

#Poal's annual holiday year-in-review and awards show! >> At least twice as many categories as ever before! Previous years' winners: [2022](https://poal.co/s/Frosties2022/613983) [2021](https://poal.co/s/TheFrosties/487062) [2019](https://poal.co/s/TheFrosties/123748) (hey @Frosty where are the 2020 and 2019 winners documented, eh?) I won the privilege to host the 2023 Frosties and I guarantee it *(i.e. the live show where we do the voting)* will happen **on the date I say it will** (to be announced), last week of December sometime. >> We'll vote and name winners on December 27 starting at 9 eastern / 8 central / 7 mountain / 6 pacific. ([converter for other folks](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html)) It might take a few hours; join as you'd like! >> We'll meet in the Poal chat room. We use the Mumble client, with server set to "cast.poal.co" and port set to "64738". >> If you just want to listen in, go to http://cast.poal.co For all you fucks who wondered where I went, it's a hell of a long trip to my planet and back. Fuck all y'all! #CATEGORIES *I may entertain new category suggestions but I think we've got a good list going already. Contemporaneous nominations will be taken but it's a pain in the ass.* ⭐*denotes winner* ❄️Best Post - @Titus_of_Voat's [Submit your nominations for most insufferable cunt in America! I'll start with two.](https://poal.co/s/cunt/686241) - @AOU's [A beautiful video of a Swedish Woman wanting to preserve her heritage and Culture](https://poal.co/s/WhiteBeauty/674138) - @daskapitalist's [Communist Coercive Methods For Eliciting Compliance Compared To Covid-19](https://poal.co/s/CoronaVirus/667149) - ⭐@Vastrightwing's [EV's aren't about being green, they're more like short leashes gating you in.](https://poal.co/s/WEF/620295) - @AOU's [Bloomberg film critic writer who attempted to smear the ‘Sound of Freedom’ film as a far right “QAnon dog whistle” is a degenerate pedo jew rat](https://poal.co/s/PedosExposed/654882) ❄️Best Shitpost - ⭐@Aj's [My Life and Times with a Bidet.](https://poal.co/s/TellPoal/497085) - @business_route's [If you can't take all the grocery bags from the car into the house in one trip, can you really call yourself a man?](https://poal.co/s/IceChest/632260) - @Ivan's [Does success in skilled work imbue people with an inflated sense of self-worth?](https://poal.co/s/AskPoal/664235) ❄️Best Poll - ⭐@suplex's [Do you use anything like ivermectin or fenbendazole?](https://poal.co/s/AskPoal/670837) ❄️Most Valuable Poster - ⭐@StabEm - @-___- ❄️Most Valuable Commenter - ⭐@Khro_ (see examples in the comments) ❄️Most Valuable Shitposter - @Intrinsic - @business_route - @hystereichal - ⭐@Boone ❄️Best OC (meme, photos, video) - ⭐@Norse's [So, I had to go to Auschwitz for work...](https://poal.co/s/Pics/673473) - @BlackCrimesMatter's [Civil War II - The Coming Breakup of America](https://poal.co/s/BlackCrimesMatter/640504) ❄️Best OC (text post) - @IndoAryan's [Autism Has Soared 28x Since the 1960s, but Why?](https://poal.co/s/Science/484562) - @silent_minority's [Proper far right ideology](https://poal.co/s/USPolitics/484828) - ⭐@Smedleys_Butler-1's ["I Woke Up to World War III"](https://poal.co/s/SmedleysPorch/671942) - ⭐@StabEm's [I've decided to take time to write a brief version of history on Croatian War of Independence](https://poal.co/s/TellPoal/671557) - [deleted]'s [Grifters Paradise](https://poal.co/s/ShowerThoughts/645963) - @BANKSTER_COMMANDO's [Deep dive on Hydroxyapatite vs. Fluoride and your teeth](https://poal.co/s/Science/615415) ❄️Best Comment - @beaudacious's [comment on failed fathers](https://poal.co/s/WhiteBeauty/681274/862f27ea-09ba-40df-94ce-228f55880e65#cmnts) - @dampcat's [comment on the Afghanistan shitshow](https://poal.co/s/History/270372/3c2ab45b-375d-49b6-8c22-256d2f5b0196#cmnts) - @BloodyComet's [comment detailing the Ukraine shitshow](https://poal.co/s/WorldNews/508602/bfab700c-bed7-430f-90e5-c95dc95f66c8#cmnts) - @ardvarcus's [comment on the nature of jews](https://poal.co/s/AskPoal/533503/f2e2b1e4-40d7-4090-ae3d-6280cd1eba12#cmnts) - ⭐@NoisySilence's [comment on intimacy and pair bonding](https://poal.co/s/TellPoal/542341/8773d322-826a-4167-8000-c520a1a3e2de#cmnts) - @Ivan's [comment on paganism](https://poal.co/s/AskPoal/670082/4e4584db-a80c-4881-b301-4d6ddb52394f#cmnts) ❄️Best pic8 Album - ⭐@Watcher_Down's [The American dream! - what the fuck happened on the way?](https://poal.co/s/Pics/493844) - @AOU's [The jews and their lies, trying to rewrite history through kikepedia.](https://poal.co/s/History/672840) ❄️Best White Nationalist / NSDAP content - @Dima's [Happy Birthday](https://poal.co/s/Anything/528407) - @MyPlums3453's [this narrative is so tired and retarded](https://poal.co/s/Racism/685792/bc36efae-c901-4384-933b-5efb5a334119#cmnts) comment - ⭐@Khro_'s [Saga - Singing live in London in 2009 with a club filled with White Nationalist brothers singing along with her](https://poal.co/s/1488Music/663265) - @AOU's [Ethnics will tell you Whites have no culture...](https://poal.co/s/WhitePride/656824) ❄️Most Useful Resource/Link - [deleted]'s [A look at search engines with their own indexes](https://poal.co/s/technology/527373) - @daskapitalist's [Remember, Your Replacements Hate You](https://poal.co/s/Immigration/541507) - [deleted]'s [The following are books written by National Socialist leaders and should be studied closely](https://poal.co/s/History/270372/3c2ab45b-375d-49b6-8c22-256d2f5b0196#cmnts) - ⭐@AmericanThinker's [4Get - A metasearch engine that *really* respects your privacy.](https://poal.co/s/docker/672351) - @Gigaslayer's [Nonfren Radar - A browser script that detects kikes](https://poal.co/s/technology/671714) - @webrustler's [Way cool pop density and other map visualizations](https://poal.co/s/DataIsBeautiful/667597) - @Grandmacaesar's [Be a Mensch and Take Time To Learn More About These 100 Jewish Last Names](https://poal.co/s/kikes/615464) ❄️Biggest Thorn in AOU's side - @webofslime - @Anticlutch - ⭐@Boone ❄️Biggest Faggot - ⭐@picman - @BillCarson - @Boone ❄️Most Likely to Flood /s/all/new with crap - ⭐@-____- - @hystereichal - @asiatrails ❄️Most Likely to not be Human - @Pauline - ⭐@Intrinsic - @germanshepherd - @stupidbird - @Fumduck - @-___- ❄️Best Cry - ⭐@Chimpfighter's [Why am I sad and angry all the time ?](https://poal.co/s/AskPoal/614820) - @business_route's [Friends, I don't think this world has need of me. Maybe I'll try another time after reincarnation.](https://poal.co/s/poalconfessional/678902) ❄️Best Rant - @suplex for [Fuck! now I just blend in with all the other blue fuckers!](https://poal.co/s/TellPoal/684901) - ⭐@ScreamingRubberBand for [Fuck Celestron](https://poal.co/s/TellPoal/669553) ❄️Best Injury - ⭐@ChristoDeFetus ([post](https://poal.co/s/RealWhatever/668548) and [post](https://poal.co/s/RealWhatever/676735)) ❄️Best Redemption Arc - ⭐@Theodore_Kent ❄️Most Wholesome Real World Hobby - @Gumbatron's [gardening and greenhouse](https://poal.co/s/DIY/675419) - @stupidbird's vintage electronics, hamfests, flea markets, and general scrounging for great resources like [this](https://poal.co/s/books/648389) - @Boone's goose breeding - ⭐@Professor_de_la_Paz's [animal rescue advocacy](https://poal.co/s/RescueDogs/new) - @GlamourSpork's [sharing cooking recipes](https://poal.co/u/GlamourSpork/subposts/Food) - @Fumduck's [cocktail tradition](https://poal.co/u/Fumduck/subposts/cocktails) (even if he deletes all his posts after 90 days...) - @Gumbatron's [machining](https://poal.co/u/Gumbatron/subposts/Machining) ❄️Most Likely to Subvert Poal - (group) All Poalrs who earned glownigger tags - ⭐(group) All Poalrs who earned happy merchant tags ❄️Most Likely to Falsely Accuse a Poalr of Being a jew - @AOU - ⭐@Anticlutch ❄️Most Likely to Correctly Accuse a Poalr of Being a jew - ⭐@AOU - @Anticlutch ❄️Most Likely to be Mistaken for Another User - ⭐@John_Galt (mistaken for @Johngaltapproves) ❄️Most Likely to Roll a New Account - ⭐@Intrinsic - @Caliope - @-___- ❄️Best Introduction Post - ⭐@Art_Heals ([post](https://poal.co/s/Introductions/659094/417c9656-a065-4548-a894-e62c757d459d)) - @picman ([post](https://poal.co/s/Introductions/635061)) ❄️Craziest comment:upvote ratio - ⭐@ColeO's [What generation makes up the majority of the "muh boomer" hate on'ers you think](https://poal.co/s/AskPoal/654654) ❄️Most Likely to Play Devil's Advocate - @meepwa - @Morbo - @BANKSTER_COMMANDO - @Boone - @Ivan - ⭐@starjello - @Grandmacaesar ❄️Most Likely to Start a New Sub - ⭐@-___- - @Anticlutch ❄️Most Autistic - @Khro_ - ⭐@Anticlutch - @stupidbird ❄️Best one-liner - ⭐@CanIPlay2 [post](https://poal.co/s/WatchNiggersDie/685207/4920a9a2-306d-43b8-a9ef-9f7312b291f8#cmnts) - @hystereichal [post](https://poal.co/s/Woke/687750/0b30a642-8e05-4bd8-aadc-cdae63c32d9a) ❄️How the hell did this user find Poal? - ⭐@Vgir (see [introduction](https://poal.co/s/Introductions/687740) and follow-up comments upon interrogation - @Awash (see [introduction](https://poal.co/s/Introductions/660653) and follow-up comments upon interrogation - @Hawksearcher, the musical mage (see [introduction](https://poal.co/s/Introductions/619892) and follow-up comments upon interrogation ❄️Least likely to post shit that'd get you banned elsewhere - @Yukon, our newish friend whose post and comment history is quite mild - ⭐@ape147, with periodic food and dog posts ❄️Most out-of-character post/comment (i.e. exuberance from a Poalr who is otherwise blackpilled) - ⭐@Anticlutch's [Help me find a leather jacket.](https://poal.co/s/Clothes/687850) ❄️Nuttiest new theory - ⭐[Parasites](https://poal.co/s/LGBT/559994) - [Smart Dust](https://poal.co/s/AskPoal/652611) - [CICO isn't real](https://poal.co/s/MeanwhileOnReddit/683510/6fa88924-f1fd-4195-a3ae-477c167f3c9f#cmnts) - [Shadow People](https://poal.co/s/AskPoal/635718) ❄️Most Duplicated Post - ⭐@suplex's "Fuck all yall" (see instances [here](https://poal.co/s/Frosties2023/685023/fcdedcac-0897-43b5-ade1-590f9312d685#cmnts)) ❄️Best Doglien - ⭐@Intrinsic ❄️Most jewish - ⭐@ardvarcus who built an account over two years only to expose themselves as a shill ❄️Best ex-Poalr - ⭐@shitskinned_faggot - where the hell did you go? ❄️Best OCHOdePOAL Contribution - ⭐@Silently_Screaming's [Baconny Night](https://poal.co/s/OCHOdePOAL/666926) - ⭐@CTCZ's [2021: A Bacon Odyssey](https://poal.co/s/OCHOdePOAL/477058) - ⭐@FunkyPurpleKitty's [In loving memory](https://poal.co/s/OCHOdePOAL/533926) **Categories cancelled for 2023** due to lack of nominations (or no significant data to support) ❄️Most Banned ❄️Most Frequently Moved Posts ❄️Most Annoying Sub Owner ❄️Most Pedantic ❄️Most Chill (get it? do you get it? do you get my joke?) ❄️Neediest Poalr (rephrase... someone who comes back time and time again for advice) ❄️Poal's Favorite Alcoholic #HOW TO NOMINATE Reply to this post (top level, not a comment) with the category(ies) and a username(s) or link to the comment(s) or post(s). Examples of why you nominate a particular user are also welcome and fun. I have been watching everyone closely and have numerous nominations of my own, which I'll add over the next few weeks. #SEE YOU NEXT YEAR I nominate @Morbo to put a big-brained human-hating alien's mirror up to Poal's shenanigans throughout the coming year and host the [Frosties 2024](https://poal.co/s/Frosties2024/hot)!

(post is archived)

[–] [Sticky] 7 pts

Who will be ranked among the coolest, and who will be left out in the cold?

Tune in for this year’s Frosties and find out!

[–] 14 pts (edited )

❄️Most Autistic

  • @Khro_ Khro_'s ability to answer with a huge table of sources is mind-blowingly impressive. He doesn't seem to have won a Frosty yet. I think it's time.
[–] 8 pts

Thank you for thinking of me. I am glad that my attempts in the past to help had been appreciated by you and a few others.

Merry Christmas!

[–] 3 pts

Merry Christmas!

Hoping for the possibility of a Frosty Laureate lecture about the 14 dimensions of meme classification :p

[–] 2 pts (edited )

How about an unfinished post I've poked at writing and re-writing over the last ~4 years about the various "pills" instead? Haven't done anything in it for some time, so much of it is garbage, half-incorrect, half-finished thoughts.

As a reply to this comment, I am also including an unfinished post with some thoughts on the slice of the population of the USA/world that I think might be the most informed and most capable of being the biggest threat to the jews' ongoing plans.


This is just my understanding of "the pills" and others' views and understanding will surely differ from mine.

I've never liked the 'pill' terms as they do not properly represent what they are meant relate. In some cases the terms even mean the opposite of what the color should signify, and often some relate to something entirely different and unrelated to their color or are even related to multiple topics at the same time.

The terms have also been further subverted with more 'pills' having been artificially added to further break down the meanings of all of the others. As a result, most now have almost no real concrete meaning and all can mean different things to different people, just as I had started this post with noting what they mean and signify to me.

Additionally, the entire 'pill' terminology has been subverted and progressed toward instead being the simple practice of adding -pill to the end of whatever topic to associate being "blank-pilled" as knowing "the truth" on that topic regardless of whether it is the actual truth or the lie. e.g.

  • Being "climate-pilled" could mean one believes 'global warming' and that it is solely due to human activity is truth.
  • Simultaneously, being "climate-pilled" to someone else can mean that one knows that 'global warming' is a hoax and that the Earth naturally goes through cycles of changing climate and is entirely decided by solar activity, that human activity has had no effect on this process. Beyond this, yet another interpretation could be that human activity has instead had a positive effect on the Earth in delaying the climate changes or even normalized the changes to be less extreme and be more gradual.

Dog-pilled, cat-pilled, cake-pilled, etc. - it is all essentially meaningless anymore as being *-pilled no longer signifies knowing the truth on a specific aspect of reality.

Regardless of the above, I continue from here from a basis of the terms having definitions of what I think is still the currently-accepted or most commonly-accepted definitions of what most now believe them to mean:


One being 'redpilled' seems to be taken to mean that one has acquired -through personal discovery or having been shown- information on the actual truth of many aspects of reality and that they are no longer in a state of ignorance, delusion and under control.

However, simply being "redpilled" does not necessarily mean that one has fully accepted the implications of the truth that they learned, merely that they are now aware of the truth.

Many stagnate at simply being "redpilled". Many who stagnate become stuck in the stage and become addicted to acquiring more redpills simply for the sake of acquiring information. However, they do nothing meaningful with that information. Instead of accepting the implications of what the truths of the pills mean and moving on to the next step of addressing them, many instead focus exclusively on the act of sharing the redpills with others, possibly in the hope that someone else will do something meaningful with the information.

I expect many do this to make themselves feel better for being too weak at the time to doing anything meaningful with the information themselves and a way to avoid putting the effort into bettering themselves to the point that they could do something meaningful with the information eventually. They instead pass the buck to others while imagining that they are being virtuous and are helping, despite that they are merely putting the onus to do something about the information on everyone else out of cowardice.

However, stagnation and focusing on redpilling others without moving on to acceptance and addressing the truths is not necessarily a bad thing unless everyone were to stagnate at being redpilled...which I believe very few redpilled individuals in the world have chosen to not stagnate.

If everyone knows the truth and nobody does anything with that information due to refusing to accept its implications and then do something about it, what good is the information?

(Another possible outcome of being Redpilled is becoming Clownpilled - see below.)

Even worse, if one stagnates for too long at merely being redpilled and they learn too much truth without accepting the implications, they can progress to falsely believing that everything(!) is a lie, including all of the true aspects of reality. Those who stagnate will progress to fabricating falsehoods about actual truths of reality -or seek out those fabricated by others- as a way of perpetually being in a state of stagnation with limitless "truths" about reality to "discover".

It is no surprise that the modern resurgence of the jew "Flat Earth" psyop coincided with the rise in people becoming redpilled about the truth of reality long before "being redpilled" was even popularized as a term for one becoming aware of the truth.

False truths like this were artificially pushed into legitimate discussions of topics and efforts of seeking truth to discredit those discussions. The resurgence of the Flat Earth jew psyop also coincided with and piggy-backed on the "Roswell" event. Combined with jews creating and pushing the denigrating 'tinfoil hat-wearer' term as a way of associating the term of being a 'conspiracy theorist' as being a 'nutcase', they effectively stalled most of an entire generation from waking up to the truth of the world until it was (possibly) too late for them to say or do anything about it.

The jews did this as a way to discourage the efforts of those working to inform themselves about the truth of the world, as well as stigmatize those who knew the truth and their attempts to awaken others.

Also: Initially, being 'woke' meant 'awake to the general truth of reality'; i.e. being redpilled. However, this term, like others, was stolen and subverted. Being 'woke' had its meaning inverted and began to be self-applied by those who believed -and needed- the lies to be the truth.

Thus, ironically, being 'woke' had its meaning inverted to instead signify that one was asleep and ignorant (usually by choice) to the truth of reality and that they wholeheartedly believe (or have convinced themselves) that the lies are the truth.

This is part of the game of jews - subverting and destroying the meanings of words and applying new definitions for them, then repeating the process yet again to change them to mean something else as required.

This subversion has resulted in ensuring that people cannot communicate with each other anymore because everyone is using different 'accepted' meanings for words. This lack of communication fosters confusion and prevents understanding, of finding common ground, of building communities on shared values, and, most importantly, prevents any kind of resistance and fighting back against the jews' subversive scheming.


Moving past simply being "redpilled" and fully accepting the implications of the truth of the redpills leads to one being blackpilled.

When people speak of being blackpilled and to avoid becoming it, this negative stage is the one that is referred to. However, there are instead two primary reactions one can have to the blackpill:

  • there is the common negative reaction that most associate with being "blackpilled"
  • there is also the positive reaction that is less common and which is crucial and important

The positive blackpill is the end-state for those that know the truth, accept the truth and its implications, and who are either trying to do something meaningful to address the problem in the near-term or are preparing themselves and those important to them for the long term to deal with the coming eventuality outlined by the redpills.

(An alternate progression from the negative blackpill is not to the positive form, but to instead become Clownpilled - see below)

Instead of viewing them as the negative form and positive form of blackpill to be at, view them as Strong and Weak to denote the character of the individual and what stage of this pill they are at.

Weak (negative) Reaction The knowledge defeats them. They fall into believing that the enemy is too great, that life is a lie, that there is no purpose to anything and that all is hopeless. Their reaction to the acceptance of the information is to mourn the loss of the world they knew, but they stagnate and spiral down into wallowing in depression, hopelessness, sadness and despair and they simply give up. This weak reaction serves the enemy's goal of demoralization. It is a sign of having a weak reaction to accepting the implications of the truth of the redpills.

I initially had this weak reaction upon actually accepting the truth.

Strong (positive) Reaction It fuels them. The enemy must be defeated and one is hopeful, a new meaning to life is discovered and one must fight for what one loves. One accepts the implications of the truth of the redpills and they react to it by mourning the loss of the world they knew, but they then move on and begin to plan for how to go about addressing the truths and to plan for after they are addressed. This strong reaction is essential to overcoming our enemy, to save our people and the world, and to ensure there is a future worth having.

It took me quite a few years to go from the weak acceptance to the strong acceptance of the blackpill.


Anything that can offer encouragement that things might not be as bad as they seem or that there is evidence of progress toward fighting back. It can be something small that helps others to see that they are not alone in the fight, or a reminder of something or someone that is worth fighting to save or it will be gone forever.

With enough whitepills, one can slowly progress from the weak blackpill to the strong blackpill, while other times all it might take is a single whitepill of enough strength to override the wall of despair and turn one toward reaching a strong reaction to the blackpill. Whitepills can also motivate the stagnant redpilled to continue redpilling others due to the whitepills being evidence that 'waking people up is working', which also prevents them from becoming clownpilled.


Being clownpilled can be attained in three ways:

  1. Inherent/Default - since birth/childhood
  2. Acquired/Developed - via redpill stagnation
  3. Induced/Forced - via blackpill indifference.

Inherent/Default - the laughing clown The default state since birth/childhood of one who has lived their whole life in a state of utter disbelief at the insanity of the world and of other people. They have always seen the truth due to it having always been blatantly obvious to them.

The absurdity of how the lies pushed as truth were ever believed by anyone in the first place, as well as the fact that most everyone cannot see the outright and obvious lies and insanity being pushed and that they must be shown the truth is only compounded further still that there are those who refuse to see even after being shown.

Primarily presents at times with a laissez faire, indifferent, "whatever" reaction to each new absurdity of the world with little more than a head shake and/or a sigh. This is due to being of the very few who have had to grow up in and navigate through a world of insanity while seeming to be the only one seeing through all of the lies and witnessing each new absurdity while everyone else bumbles around mindless and oblivious to the insanity as if it were normal.

However, it can also present at times with genuine laughter at how absurd and insane the world is. Reality is a bad joke; if one doesn't see it as being so bad that it's funny and laugh at it, they'll cry and find themselves in a deeper and more profound state of despair than the weak blackpilled who merely didn't handle accepting the truth well instead of having grown up with knowing it.

Being inherently clownpilled can lead to eventually just heading for the exit. However, it more commonly leads toward feeling that it isn't them who needs to go, but the world. They will then actively cheer on the insanity hoping for it to become ever more absurd until everything totally collapses. They're just along for the ride to the destination that they've known was inevitable since they were a child.

Acquired/Developed - the wicked clown After stagnating at being redpilled and spending time acquiring and passing on truth to others without directly acting on the knowledge, one might begin to become clownpilled and openly laugh at the world due to people refusing to accept the redpills shared with them.

Without seeing any kind of progress or sign that redpilling is having any effect beyond having something to do, and due to not having grown up with seeing the insanity of the world, one might jump to desiring the world to not only collapse, but to actively desiring a quick end via asteroid/nuclear war/supernova/alien invasion/etc. Anything that can accelerate the total collapse, or even an absolute end to it all is welcome and desired.

Induced/Forced - the wicked clown One must first be redpilled and made aware of the lies and agenda to then accept the implications of the redpill and have a blackpill reaction. This reaction can be either a positive or a negative reaction. However, one might also reach an induced clownpill state.

The inherent clownpilled have been aware of the absurdity of the world their whole lives and merely laugh at it all while encouraging it to become as insane as possible. They've only watched as the world has gotten more and insane and nothing has ever slowed or reversed it. They see no point to trying to fight the collapse as they believe it is inevitable.

The acquired clownpilled actively desire it to all come to a swift and total end, and they might even actively work to bring about the collapse and total destruction.

However, the Induced/Forced clownpilled have a slightly different reaction. Instead of anticipating the inevitable collapse of the world, or wanting the world to come to a total and violent end, they see the ongoing destruction and collapse of the world as a sort of 'game-in-progress' that we're all players in - and they want to win! It is an extremely rare reaction to an event that forces/induces one to become redpilled all at once and to immediately accept the implications. There is no stagnation, there is no sadness or hopelessness; it is an immediate and absolute motivated resolve and desire to win at all costs.


[–] 2 pts

Or perhaps another unposted/unfinished one on NPCs and their programming? @Intrinsic

One does not need to explicitly state another should end their own life to constitute 'advocating self harm.' Even telling someone "Go fuck yourself" is advocating self harm under such ambiguous rules commonly in place on sites like Gab. It's obviously all jewish wordplay so that anything can mean whatever the person with the power wants it to mean for whatever their purpose or desire is at any moment. If they want someone banned for any or no reason at all, this thing that the person said, no matter what was said, is interpreted in a way that it violates one or more rules. Banned. Problem solved.

These 'rules' are written in such a way to force all discussion to slowly reduce down to only generic, 'safe' statements being made.

To avoid writing anything that can even remotely be interpreted in a way that could lead to being banned, people then self-censor, conform, tiptoe, 'walk on eggshells' and write using only 'permitted' words or express only 'accepted' thoughts. They 'play it safe' and just regurgitate whatever everyone else says as it must be a 'safe' thing to say if everyone else can say it. That is, safe for the moment, anyway. The permitted words and phrases that can be used and the things that are still permitted to be written are then steadily decreased.

Before long everyone is saying the same things like bots. What might start out with allowing anyone to say anything, is actually just 'allowing, for now'. As the reins are gradually tightened on what is permitted, discussion or sharing of truthful information begins to not be written as writing it results in removal.

They cause users to fear that they may be banned for the slightest 'wrongspeak' even if they do not word a statement in a way that expresses a thought that is contrary to those that are accepted.

It creates an 'echo chamber' of everyone making the exact same non-statements and using the exact same words and short responses as the rest of the mindless herd. Anyone who doesn't use the right word or phrase is attacked and forced to conform or they risk being ostracized from and turned on by the cult. They fear becoming designated as an outsider, as a threat to the herd, so they follow as closely to the cult doctrine as possible. Even the slightest deviation could cause them to be vulnerable to being marked as an outsider where anything they say being interpreted in a way that violates an ambiguous rule and results in being banned just to remove them from the site.

To avoid causing an offense that could lead to being excluded and removed from the group, constant checking of what the current "accepted language" is required. Thus the "NPCs get their new programming" of what words and phrases they are supposed to use and regurgitate just to avoid going against the group.

They get this 'update' by constantly checking the words and phrases being used by others on sites/apps that have been forced as being mandatory to be used in 'modern times' to see what they need to start and stop repeating and seeing who isn't being attacked or banned. Which is part of why all of these NPCs are always staring at and tapping away on their phones. Even a few minutes -or mere seconds- out of date on accepted terminology can leave them at risk of saying something that is no longer on the 'safe' list.

And in no time at all you get a herd of NPCs willingly saying and doing the bidding of kikes just to avoid no longer being 'accepted' and part of the group.

[–] 4 pts

I second, third, and fourth this nomination.

@Khro_ deserves a frostie, if anyone does.

[–] 6 pts (edited )

Thank you.

For the record, I am not (((autistic))), I am Aryan; German, Danish, English and Bohemian (Western Kingdom of Bohemia, which was primarily Germans). (edit: as well as a Croatian relative several generations back, but still researching and translating documents regarding this relative)

I actually put effort toward holding myself to saying and doing things as close to how I believe true Aryans should say and do things. While I fail to match up to the level of my ancestors in many respects, I do excel and honor them in others.

Anything worth doing is worth the time and effort it would take to first determine the proper method it should be done and then ensuring that you do it that way. Also, if it is borne from an Aryan mind, it is worth doing.

Essentially, I'm not a lazy nigger.

Edit to clarify: I do not intend that this be taken as me calling everyone else who doesn't put the same degree of effort into their comments as I often do into my comments as being niggers. I just try to ensure that everything I say makes it clear that it could not possibly have been written by a nigger, which often means longer and more detailed comments to cover a matter being discussed as fully as possible. This often results with my not saying or contributing anything unless I am able to say it fully and properly so as to avoid making short comments that I consider of little or no value or saying something that even a nigger could (possibly) write.

[–] 1 pt

I am not autistic

As in from the commonwealth of Autisia? lol

[–] 0 pt

Why don't you just suck his cock already?

[–] 9 pts

Lol, I guess it makes sense that you're so damn disagreeable, if you confuse appreciation with faggotry.

[–] 9 pts

Not wanting to sound like a faggot here, but as i know how the male brain works, we need to make sure AOU knows he is venerated. Maybe add a nomination for it even..

Since i am pretty sure he does not fully grasp how intrinsic Poal is to the "war" of the human plight.

Also how lost some of us would feel, without having this place to vent.

Give to him; the reverence he deserves. I believe his ego can handle it.

I see an image of what i am trying to convey, of the movie 300, at the gate, against the darkness.

[–] 5 pts

/u/AOU needs a nomination for his will and time given directly to this. We all owe him.

I nominate him for best owner/admin of the internet.

[–] 4 pts

I was thinking about not nomimating AOU has a matter of principle. I was thinking that'd be like nominating the CEO for employee of the year. But I admit you have a point.

[–] 1 pt

Find a category and content and nominate 'im!

[–] 7 pts

Frosties time again already?! WOOHOO!!!

Glad to see you are the new host. I hope that means less shenanigans than last year where @starjello pulled a Joe Biden and stole the election for the Top 5 Users category. All the new categories are great too. I'm resisting the urge to nominate @Theodore_Kent for all of them so I'll come back later when I have some good nominees.

[–] 6 pts

I'd nominate theadore for Most Improved. Sounds like things have been rough for him but things are looking up in his spiritual development.

[–] 4 pts

"Best Redemption Arc"? find a good post and I'll add Theo

[–] 4 pts

I hope that means less shenanigans than last year where @starjello pulled a Joe Biden and stole the election for the Top 5 Users category.

You're hoping fifth place for that category will be more fair?

[–] 4 pts

You're hoping fifth place for that category will be more fair?

Yes, you can add yourself to fifth place this time instead of jewishly adding yourself to first place like you did last year. I congratulated you before I listened to the Poalcast and discovered the truth about the category winners. I know the truth now.

[–] 2 pts

Are you telling me you didn't tune in live!? That's the best experience!

[–] 6 pts


[–] 5 pts


[–] 5 pts


[–] 5 pts


[–] 6 pts

We need a most duplicated posts category.

[–] 4 pts


[–] 2 pts

Can we add a most duplicated posts caragory?

[–] 5 pts

❄️Most Likely to Flood /s/all/new with crap

Welcome back Intrinsic. You plan on staying after the frosties?

[–] 3 pts

Some would say I never left, but that's because they haven't mastered telepresence...

[–] 5 pts

Biggest Faggot

  • Me, picman
[–] 4 pts

Can you nominate the obvious?

[–] 5 pts (edited )

I nominate @John_Galt for most likely to be mistaken for myself.

I, the elder statesman, am readily identified.

[–] 3 pts

WTF you bin?

[–] 4 pts

I’ve been here, all along.

[–] 5 pts

If at least one of the /s/WhitePower members doesn't win an award then this shit is kiked, junked and fucked.

[–] 3 pts

Got any nominations?

[–] 4 pts (edited )


He is the definition of a proper White European and Aryan.

I find myself falling into patterns where I goof around a lot to find some laughs but he maintains on a straight line of integrity and definitely is a key component of why other than my recruiting he is the reason /s/WhitePower is rising in popularity.

125 members and growing strong.

[–] 8 pts

I do it both for myself and the others. Can't get demoralized, we will win this. \o

[–] 3 pts

What category?

[–] 5 pts
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