[The show itself](https://poal.co/s/Frosties2022/613985).
PoalSanta naughty list: @wolfgang
Top 5 users: 1 @starjello
2 @Morbo
3 @stupidbird
4 @RobertJHarsh
5 @Intrinsic
Poal Poet Laureate: @Theodore_Kent
Thinnest Skin: @Theodore_Kent
Poal's Biggest Faggot 2022: @picman
Submission of the Year 2022: Theo's last submission.
Best New Subverse: /s/Memoryholed
Biggest Drunk: @suplex
Worst Powermod: @WaWhite13
Most Missed User: @JoeKerr
Best New User: @grimreporter
Best Foreign Language User: @Norse
Most Likely Fed: @business_route
Best Boone Alt: @redgreenpill
Best Confession: Any rambling of @business_route.
Neediest Poalr: Some guy that wanted to ask some girl out and failed massively.
PoalPasta: @Dima's [post](https://poal.co/s/PoalPasta/524991).
Obvious Jew: @Anticlutch.
Fattest user: @starjello
Secret Admin: Brandon
Least Likely to Get Pinkeye in the Ball Pit: @AmericanThinker
Best host: @WaWhite13
Pity Award: @Smedleys_Butler-1
Future Frosties Host: @business_route
(post is archived)