WelcomeUser Guide

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For the newbies:

What is Linux? (opensource.com)

Linux Beginners FAQ (linuxlinks.com)

BEGINNER’S GUIDE FOR LINUX - Start Learning Linux in Minutes (tecmint.com)

The Ultimate Linux Newbie Guide (linuxnewbieguide.org)


Major Distros:

FSF Approved Distros:

Distros without Systemd:

Desktop Environments:

**For the newbies:** *[What is Linux?](https://opensource.com/resources/linux)* *[Linux Beginners FAQ](https://www.linuxlinks.com/linux-beginners-faq-linux-portal-site/)* *[BEGINNER’S GUIDE FOR LINUX - Start Learning Linux in Minutes](https://www.tecmint.com/free-online-linux-learning-guide-for-beginners/)* *[The Ultimate Linux Newbie Guide](http://linuxnewbieguide.org/)* *[/s/Linux](https://poal.co/s/Linux)* **Major Distros:** - [Arch](https://www.archlinux.org/) - [Wiki](https://wiki.archlinux.org/) - [CentOS](https://www.centos.org/) - [Wiki](https://wiki.centos.org/) - [Debian](https://www.debian.org/) - [Wiki](https://wiki.debian.org/) - [Fedora](https://getfedora.org/en/workstation/) - [Wiki](https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Project_Wiki) - [Gentoo](http://www.gentoo.org/) - [Wiki](https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Main_Page) - [Linux Mint](http://linuxmint.com/) - [Tutorials](https://community.linuxmint.com/tutorial/search) - [Mageia](https://www.mageia.org/) - [Wiki](https://wiki.mageia.org/) - [Manjaro Linux](https://manjaro.github.io/) - [Wiki](http://wiki.manjaro.org/index.php) - [openSUSE](https://www.opensuse.org/) - [Wiki](https://en.opensuse.org/Portal:Wiki) - [PCLinuxOS](http://www.pclinuxos.com/) - [Wiki](http://pclinuxoshelp.com/index.php/Main_Page) - [Slackware](http://www.slackware.com/) - [Wiki](http://www.slackwiki.com/Main_Page) - [More Here...](https://voat .co/v/Linux/comments/1035277) **FSF Approved Distros:** - [PureOS](https://pureos.net/) - [Wiki](https://tracker.pureos.net/w/) - [Parabola Linux (Free Arch Fork)](https://parabola.nu/) - [Trisquel Linux (Free Ubuntu Fork)](https://trisquel.info/) - [More Here...](https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-distros.en.html) **Distros without Systemd:** - [Arch Linux Systemd-Free](http://systemd-free.org/install.php) - [Devuan Linux No systemd fork of Debian](https://devuan.org/) - [More Here...](http://without-systemd.org/) **Desktop Environments:** - [Budgie](https://budgie-desktop.org/) - [Cinnamon](http://developer.linuxmint.com/projects.html) - [Enlightenment](https://www.enlightenment.org/) - [GNOME](https://www.gnome.org/) - [KDE](https://www.kde.org/) - [LXDE](http://lxde.org/) - [LXQt](http://lxqt.org/) - [MATE](http://mate-desktop.com/) - [Unity](https://unity.ubuntu.com/) - [Xfce](http://www.xfce.org/)

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt

Yes it is. More people need to migrate off of Windows. Linux installs are getting easier every day.

[–] 0 pt

Hey if my ass can figure it out most people can. /s I am actually an IT guy for a living but I still say its not that hard to make a linux installer and boot from it!

[–] 0 pt

I've been encouraging people to at least try out a live CD. I am an IT guy too and have tried to switch primary OS to Linux many times over there year, but always, something didn't quite work right. But now, everything 100% works. And so much faster. And more secure. And free. And more/better updates.

I still think it is too hard for average joe user though. To get my system 100% had to tweak a lot of stuff. Like Google Earth did not work. Had to find old version and install manually which is way beyond most users ability.

If Linux can install without needing the shell at all, I think we can see a bigger migration. But the shell is just too much for many.

[–] 0 pt

Someday friend.