Linux Mint install guide (should work for any debian derivative likely):
- Use this command to update Linux package sources: "sudo apt-get update"
- Execute this command to install python4: "sudo apt-get install python openssl libssl-dev git python-msgpack python-qt4"
- Use this command or a manual download to copy BitMessage to your home folder: "git clone$HOME/PyBitmessage"
- Add a run command shortcut to your menu and/or desktop with the command: "~/PyBitmessage/src/" (you can test this command first in the terminal)
I have not tested this recently so let me know if it doesn't work. (Guide is based on this link:
Linux Mint install guide (should work for any debian derivative likely):
1. Use this command to update Linux package sources: "sudo apt-get update"
2. Execute this command to install python4: "sudo apt-get install python openssl libssl-dev git python-msgpack python-qt4"
3. Use this command or a manual download to copy BitMessage to your home folder: "git clone $HOME/PyBitmessage"
4. Add a run command shortcut to your menu and/or desktop with the command: "~/PyBitmessage/src/" (you can test this command first in the terminal)
I have not tested this recently so let me know if it doesn't work. (Guide is based on this link:
(post is archived)