Took me some time but here it is in German and English.
I've never made this myself, has always been my wife's domain.
I'll do the next one, when the time comes.
The recipe was more or less orally and hands-on-ally taught to her from an old lady, where she used to live.
You know how it is with dishes you've made hundreds of times. You don't need exact amounts but go by 'feel'.
The amounts are not 100% set in stone, is what I'm trying to say. Enjoy!
`Schwäbischer Kartoffelsalat
750g festkochende Kartoffeln
1 große Zwiebel
1 große Knoblauchzehe
3-4 EL Essig
1 Tasse Fleischbrühe ~250ml
3 EL Öl
1 EL Maggi Würze
Wahlweise: Schnittlauch
Wahlweise: Cayenne-Pfeffer
Wahlweise: Gurken, gehobelt oder Endivien fein geschnitten
Kartoffeln kochen und warm/heiß schälen
Warme Kartoffeln dünn hobeln oder schneiden
Zwiebeln in feine Würfel schneiden, hinzugeben
Knoblauch pressen, mit Fleischbrühe erhitzen, hinzugeben
3-4 EL Essig hinzugeben
Maggi hinzugeben
Vermischen, wenn der Salat dabei "schmatzt", hat er die richtige Konsistenz
Stehen lassen für ca. 15 Minuten
3 EL Öl hinzugeben
Mit Pfeffer, Salz, Maggi, Cayenne abschmecken
Gurken o. Endivien hinzugeben und untermischen
Fein geschnittenen Schnittlauch darüber streuen.
Guten Appetit!
Swabian potato salad
Ingredients (Amounts are guidelines):
1.5 pounds of waxy or primarily waxy potatoes
1 large onion
1 large clove of garlic
3-4 tbsp wine vinegar (brown)
1 cup of meat broth (granulated)
3 tbsp of vegetable (sunflower) oil
Maggi seasoning sauce
Optionally: Chives
Optionally: Red pepper (Cayenne)
Optionally: Thinly sliced cucumbers or finely cut endive
Cook potatoes and peel while still reasonably hot to the touch
Thinly slice or cut warm potatoes, put into salad bowl
Cut/chop onion into small cubes and add to potatoes
Add meat broth granules, water, pressed garlic into cup/pot, heat to almost boiling
Pour resulting broth over potatoes
Add the vinegar and Maggi seasoning
Mix thoroughly, if it "smacks" during this step, it has the right consistency
Let everything sit for about 15 minutes
Add the oil and mix again.
Carefully season to taste with pepper, salt, Maggi, Cayenne
Add sliced cucumbers or endive and mix some more
Scatter some finely cut chives over the top
Guten Appetit!`
(post is archived)