On second look (more awake) that very well might be a Denver. It’s in the front shoulder nestled against the coppa. If so, that’s the tastiest most tender cut of the best possible meat on earth I have found. If cooked correctly…a fine gift indeed.
It's delicious! My wife purchased 14 lbs of it for me as a Christmas gift. I've been cooking it weekly since receipt experimenting with different recipes.
Niiice. Your wife is a good soul, you should cherish her.
We eat this on a regular basis as we raise and butcher ourselves and the other half is magnificent in the kitchen. So few people ever get the chance to try such delicious meat, they are used to sad pork sold in grocery stores. It also has a good omega 3-6 balance unlike commercial pork which makes it a healthy meat.
It’s good stuff, don’t ever overcook it, medium rare at most.
You can grow your own, it’s not hard. You need a good heritage pig (not pink) black is best like American guinea hog or a descendant of the Iberian stock, but there are others I like red wattle is good too).
Feed it pasture mostly, let it live a good life. Have nut trees that drop nuts I. The fall that the pigs will gorge on. There’s other options as well, but a high fat supplement for a couple Months is the target. Butcher it yourself so it doesn’t stink like a butcher slaughterhouse.
Also, if you do( or hire someone good with butchery to come do it), you can get a coppa and a Denver out of it. The Denver is likely the best meat you will have ever eaten. If you had it from the pig you just ate, you would understand why every bit of work to raise your own is worth it.
you're makin' me want to raise some backyard pigs
I recommend it. Honestly it’s pretty easy, and the results are something that can be equivalent to the best in the world. That you can eat on a daily basis, not just a super special occasion. If you do, message me and I’ll post curing ( bacon, ham, coppa) and smoking instructions.
We got coyotes and stray dogs around here though
(post is archived)