Why is this in food
Why is this in food
Raw Milk and other Amish food products [under attack by the feds] ... I didn't see anything in /s/food rules indicating the subverse was just for recipes/visuals. I'm not aware of any other food related subverses where it would fit better.
Raw Milk and other Amish food products [under attack by the feds] ... I didn't see anything in /s/food rules indicating the subverse was just for recipes/visuals. I'm not aware of any other food related subverses where it would fit better.
Yeah, I guess so... But where's the food
Yeah, I guess so... But where's the food
Sorry about the lack of delicious looking visuals. To make up for it, here's one of my local favorites ... https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.398a139fa859b2dce52a68f968ca4467?rik=l5f5%2fGqW%2b5FDBg&pid=ImgRaw&r=0
Sorry about the lack of delicious looking visuals. To make up for it, here's one of my local favorites ... https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.398a139fa859b2dce52a68f968ca4467?rik=l5f5%2fGqW%2b5FDBg&pid=ImgRaw&r=0
(post is archived)