Lets pray he didn't speak with her privately.
I like bombard, she’s good at what she does, and covers a nice range of people. That fed lady is a real piece of work tho.
She's an expert at something I'm not. I love to hear her points on key speakers and interviews. She always adds an extra perspective. I sure like how the Amish handled her, and hope he didn't go for that "private" talk.
The Federal Government does not have jurisdiction within states.
Why is this in food
Raw Milk and other Amish food products [under attack by the feds] ... I didn't see anything in /s/food rules indicating the subverse was just for recipes/visuals. I'm not aware of any other food related subverses where it would fit better.
Yeah, I guess so... But where's the food
Sorry about the lack of delicious looking visuals. To make up for it, here's one of my local favorites ... https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.398a139fa859b2dce52a68f968ca4467?rik=l5f5%2fGqW%2b5FDBg&pid=ImgRaw&r=0
(post is archived)