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Would you like McSoy titties with that?

Would you like McSoy titties with that?

(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts

I stick with what I know. All the beef in my freezer have names. Ive either been licked or kicked by every ounce of beef in there. Good stuff!

[–] 3 pts

We all know where this is headed. Burger king has the impossible whopper. What I find interesting is the amount of effort going into faking meat. Why fake meat?

The answer is someone wants us to stop consuming it.

[–] 4 pts

What better way to introduce more soy, seed oils, and roundup into your diet?

[–] 1 pt

also hidden sugars.. of many types

[–] 1 pt

Part of it is just about profits. These are the people who will essential sandblast a chicken bone to get every ounce of cartilage off. Only to grid it to dust and then pack it into shredded chicken and claim it's a McNugget. Once they are no longer constrained by "needs to be a part of a chicken" anything goes. Sawdust, corn husk, apple cores, and more will be ground up and through the magic of chemistry transformed into something that looks and tastes kinda like what meat was. All forms of industrial wasted that has a plantish origin will now be turned into food for disposal. One in eight people my age have inflammatory bowel syndrome (cnbc.com) because of shit like this and it will only get worse.

Large industrial outfits will be able to make money off of their waste, corporate food producers will be able to acquire food stuffs cheaper, and pharma will have new categories of drugs to sell to relieve all the problems this "food" causes. It's a win-win-win as long as you are a member of the elite. Pretty soon anything that hurts Pelosi's stock portfolio will be considered and insurrection.

[–] 1 pt

Yes. Historical precedence dictates populations are easiler to physically overpower and mentally brainwash when they are malnourished. Beef is by far the most nourishing food in existence and has been known to reduce the incidence of chronic diseases the establishment claims it causes.

In CA they are gonna ban pork in 21 among other things.

Also, this is further highlighted when you see how many sickly jackasses support communism.

[–] 0 pt

Time to start raising cows for meat.

Pastoralist populations are adapted to diets consisting of mostly dairy & meat, and it's one factor that was an advantage over other populaces. The grain-based diet from the middle East/ South Europe is not ideal for us, but it does apparently increase fertility.

People who deny race, also tend to believe that all humans have the exact same dietary needs & reactions, which is just ignorant. So I assume that there are Equality Devotees who attack the notion of dietary differences between racial groups, just like there are ones that want "dog breed equality".

[–] 3 pts

That garbage is probably pumped full of soy and that will fuck up your testosterone.

[–] 1 pt

More like beyond GAY, am I right boys?

[–] 0 pt

Makes my balls and tits tender

[–] 0 pt

I will tenderize your anus

[–] 1 pt

Thus your name

[–] 0 pt

I've been thinking of buying some BYND stock if the infrastructure bill passes which would cause burger prices to zoom 5X. I'd guess a lot of people would buy a $10 plant burger over a $50 real burger.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

i love super processed factory made food. totally healthy and good for the environment . Soylent burger

[–] 0 pt

Definitely good for communism since literally every policy and decision they make always leads back to it

[–] 0 pt

Worked so well for burger King.

[–] 0 pt

Jill Gates (the lesbian tranny) owns the company

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