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[–] 7 pts 3y

The best you can do for your health is to buy food from local farmers. This is healthiest what you can obtain and also you support these poor working folks who are getting constantly fucked by government on daily basis.

[–] 2 pts 3y

Also best for the economy.

[–] 2 pts 3y

As long as government assholes don't get any money, it's good for the economy indeed.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Yep. That’s a good start. But ask what the feed their flock. Chances are they are feeding them the cheapest crap from Tractor supply. Mine get “soy free, corn free, 16% Layer mash” 100% USDA Organic. They don’t get “treats” or table scraps. Right now, my feed cost are calculated at $2.96 per dozen. That’s feeding 33 chickens (26 laying hens, 5 pullets, 2 roosters)

[–] 2 pts 3y

> 33 chickens

Illuminati confirmed

[–] 1 pt 3y

They don’t get “treats” or table scraps.

Why not? I'm sure meat/veg leftovers and cutting scrap would do good for them. When I prep food for myself I save the cut meat/veg ends and cook them separately(without spices) for the dogs.

[–] 0 pt 3y

I’m sure your “dog” loves that. But since I’m referencing chickens....I can’t think of a normal scenario where a chicken would have have access to cooked meat/veg. They are jungle birds. I will, when the situation arises, throw them freshly dead small animals (mice, squirrel, rabbit) that they go crazy for. In the winter I will sometimes. supplement with black oil sunflower seeds.

[–] 7 pts 3y (edited 3y)

A while ago, I made a go of being a butcher. I'm serious: I worked my way up. Started trimming chicken breasts, and can now break-down a whole deer from still-breathing to dinner-plate, with nothing but a sharp-knife and an afternoon. If it's already cold: I'll single-handedly slice-up a whole side of beef in to retail chops/roasts in less than half an hour— and I'll give ya the works, too: shit that Gordon Ramsey would pay top-dollar for.

All this to say: I've been around the block. Worked in farms, abattoirs, industrial, retail meat-cutting, and everything in-between. I know I'm making an appeal to authority, here. So if you have any questions: feel free to ask. But literally everything in that post is 100% correct and factually true. Save that pic and go back to it, for reference, if you plan on getting some good eggs.

I get mine from a local farm and they're amazing. The shell on factory produced eggs is so thin, these days, it almost feels like construction-paper that has a thin layer of wax in them to avoid it turning to mush. It's actually off-putting how frail those shells are, and the yolks are so pale it almost looks like the color of straw. A good egg will have a really hard shell and the yolk will be a deep orange.

[–] 0 pt 3y

I hear the abators are real backed up nowadays... If u wanted to go in with some friends on a cow the price per pound would be really great if you could point up about $1500 and have a deep freezer to stack it all in. But I hear there's months of wait for the butchers now

[–] 2 pts 3y

It is very correct. I get eggs from a friend's chickens and they are hands down better.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 3y

Problem with raising chickens in the "ideal" set up they are describing (where they roam around without any confinement) is it only works for a short time before predators find out about it. I keep my chickens in movable tractors which while not huge, keep them safe from predators. It is a good compromise, I still get the good eggs and I don't have to go months where I don't have any chickens due to predators and having to wait for new chickens to get to laying age.

Rest of it I agree with, there is almost no reason to buy store eggs unless you are living in a city - you can generally find someone with chickens and they will gladly sell you eggs for a very reasonable price or barter. Heck I often just give my eggs away, if you raise chickens odds are you have more eggs than your family can ever eat.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Ya you're right. I've got a miniforrest iny backyard with the occasional fox 🦊 dropping in to say HI.

Now if I could only convince the city to allow us a few chick's & 2 goats. Maybe it'll happen if this Communist freakin reset destroys the shipping logistics & massive food shortages ensue. This would probably be the ultimate F U to big pharma that live it that all our commercially generated foods are cancer, including grains & veggies.

[–] 0 pt 3y

My neighbors have some big dogs who protect the chickens in their yard. Though they only have like 8 or 10 of 'em and they have a big well-protected coop in a fenced-in yard in the suburb outskirts facing endless miles of farmland. So there's not a lot of wildlife coming around for a visit.

Anyway, a big dog or two and some properly built defensive coops could help ya out.

[–] 1 pt 3y

I have 5 chickens in a coop in the back yard. I feed them egg laying mash, mustard greens, chard, romaine lettuce and wheat bread. We get around 30 eggs a week so we share them with friends. Everyone says they are the best eggs they've ever had. The breed is Barred Rock.

[–] 1 pt 3y

I wish I woulda bought a minifarm so I could at least have some chickens 'n goats for unpasteurized unhomogenized milk. Pasteurization kills off the good bacteria, homogenization turns the healthy fats into fucking cancer(maybe exaggerating here).

Here on the budwig website one of the questions asked is if the milk for the protocol has to be fat free, and the reply is pretty much

wtf 70 years ago there was no such blight as homogenized & pasteurized & for sure no 2%, & budwig said that the UNHOMOGENIZED milk fats are the ones that actually help carry the flax oils into the bloodstream.


& further says to use milk that's not homogenized, well these motherfuckers in the FDA making sure that everything we eat is fucking cancer.... Zero chance of being able to source raw milk unless you've got yourself a fucking goat.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Ah... A good post.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Never knew you could double the output of a chicken with constant light, pretty interesting.

[–] 0 pt 3y

You could make double the latinum if you have a ferengi chick'n farm

[–] 0 pt 3y

I recommend this(youtu.be). Maybe it's on Bitchute, or something.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Nice post. I have been thinking about doing chickens. It sounds like a pain, but I want a good source of animal protein which I can depend on to be clean and healthy. And humane. At least I can vouch for what goes into them

[–] 1 pt 3y

Rabbits are worth looking into too. IMO if you're after meat their less work. Chickens are pretty easy. Keep them safe from predators and out of extreme heat/cold. They're fun to watch.

[–] -1 pt 3y



Im thinkin of eggs. Im a vegetarian. I kept a rabbit once. It slept on the foot of my bed. I cant kill shit. I don’t even like to kill bugs.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

Im thinkin of eggs. Im a vegetarian. I kept a rabbit once. It slept on the foot of my bed. I cant kill shit. I don’t even like to kill bugs.

LOL! As expected.

[–] 0 pt 3y


[–] 0 pt 3y

>Im a vegetarian


But seriously chickens for eggs is fun. Do it.

[–] 0 pt 3y

i agree with all of this however; keep an eye out for roundworms.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Gonna have to google that now

[–] 0 pt 3y

If your chicken stops producing eggs will it be a good chicken to eat or pet food quality?

[–] 2 pts 3y

They're tough. You can pretty much only use it for soup, as it'll soften up and be pleasantly edible. You couldn't cook it up like normal chicken, unless you like chewin'.

[–] 2 pts 3y

If you had to, use a pressure cooker or Instapot to make a Chicken Parmesan, covered in marinara and a layer of cheese on top. Can also make soft and tender with Teriyaki sauce in the pressure cooker. It needs to be some kind of sauce. You can't do, say, a lemon pepper, as you need the pressurization to literally force the moisture from the sauce into the chicken.

[–] 1 pt 3y

not your first rodeo, I see

[–] 2 pts 3y

Put an add up on craigslist and the next day you will have an asian family coming over to buy them. Use that money to buy more chics.

[–] 1 pt 3y

From what I know you either get a chicken for its meat or for its eggs. Sure you can eat the egg laying chicken but probably not as much meat on it though.

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