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[–] 4 pts (edited )

Women's (((liberation))) is the root cause of the loxist White population decline.

The jews declared a full frontal assault on our culture in the 60's, (((liberating))) women. This was the centerpiece of the genocide of White people, because women pursued "careers" and delayed childbirth, if they had children at all.

We need White women to recognize jewish propaganda and embrace traditional family roles again. We will continue to die off until this happens. Men are an important factor too. They need to desire traditional women, and shun girl bosses.

[–] 3 pts

Men are the one's who need to take charge here. No change will come from the women, it's us who need to create change and give women the option to be mothers instead of corporate slaves.

Many women work out of necessity, not because they are "girl bosses", especially in post (((covid))) economy.

[–] 2 pts

They have the option to not be whores. They don’t take it. That’s the issue. They can always close their legs. They don’t want to. They will have to be forced to.

[–] 3 pts

The woman does not choose. She follows. If she is shown in (((MSM))) that whoredom is normal and good in the society, she will do so as the source of information in her mind is the authority.

The same (((MSM))), the same authority, is showing White men as weak, cowardly oppressors. The sad truth is that wast majority of White men today are weak cowards by their own choice, and women have nothing else to do but follow MSM.

There are exceptions of course, women who are hell bent on pushing jewish crap no matter what, and women who can tell the right from wrong by themselves.

Whatever is coming will be the biggest event in the history of our race, if not the world. White men like us who are truly awake to the reality are the only ones who have the capacity to turn this even in our favor, in favor of God.