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Women control access to sex and children, but men control access to money. In the past a woman could always just lie. Until now.

The Paternity test gives us vastly more power than any other men in the history of mankind to break through the deception and lies of women and control who gets or rather doesn't get our money. So much power, I think that we could begin to intentionally put massive evolutionary pressure on women to be loyal rather than just better liars.

I think that men should not just think it's a good thing, but openly vehemently support it as mandatory and moral bare minimum of respectful thing to do for a mother or wife. We should make it so ingrained that questioning it wouldn't even be considered.

Women control access to sex and children, but men control access to money. In the past a woman could always just lie. Until now. The Paternity test gives us vastly more power than any other men in the history of mankind to break through the deception and lies of women and control who gets or rather doesn't get our money. So much power, I think that we could begin to intentionally put massive evolutionary pressure on women to be loyal rather than just better liars. I think that men should not just think it's a good thing, but openly vehemently support it as mandatory and moral bare minimum of respectful thing to do for a mother or wife. We should make it so ingrained that questioning it wouldn't even be considered.

(post is archived)

[–] 3 pts

A) even if the paternity test determines you not to be the father, you can still be on the hook for child support (because Jews).

B) paternity test is an easy way for Jews to collect DNA data of the population for bioweapons, etc.

Find the right woman, redpill her, give her babies.

[–] 1 pt

While it would be good to change women's behaviors towards loyalty and sexual faithfulness, injecting the medical industry/government into our lives to have mandatory paternity tests is the equivalent of cucking to the state.

The women will not fear their husbands will discover their promiscuities. They will not respect him more because of the testing keeping them honest. No, they will fear the government taking away benefits or gibsmedats if they are caught cheating. This system would turn every man into a beta because all women would have Big Daddy (((Government))) as their real husbands and providers.

The real solution is to put fear and respect back into women by being strong men. Don't tolerate sluts or deviant women. Don't let them control your mind with their bodies. Make sure they are worthy of marriage and shame and punish them if they falter. Same goes for men. We don't need (((government))) interference to fix this. We just need strong wills and firm hands to shape women back to proper.

[–] 1 pt

We definitely do need all the things you mention. I fear that those things won't be enough in practice because if the lockdowns taught me anything, the majority of the population are sheep, I fear the majority of men will always be followers than men with strong wills and actual leaders of their own lives and households.