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[–] [Sticky] 0 pt

FYI OP is a glownigging kike who's only purpose is to blame White women and niggers instead of the degenerate jewry his tribe has been pushing for decades on the goyim. As well as shilling for jew-owned VPN and Tor.

Every single aspect of FEMINISM is jewish (pic8.co)

Every single aspect of MASS IMMIGRATION is jewish (pic8.co)

Every single aspect of the LGBTQ+ movement is jewish (pic8.co)


[–] 0 pt

You're such a bitch. I'm glad to know my posts upset you so much.

Seriously seek help.

[–] 0 pt

So what is your obsession with VPNs any way?

[–] 2 pts

Their sexual capital is depleted by about 40. After that, they have very little to offer a man. Of course, this applies to women who were brainwashed into believing the feminist lie. I generally recommend looking for a traditional wife in Slavic countries where they haven't been as indoctrinated into believing the lies. They also tend to be smarter too.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Honestly, if a woman isn't married and pumping out kids by 20-25 there's something very broken with her. Extreme red flag. These days it's literally a minimum of three kids required to ensure continuation of your genetic line. If they are not hitting that number by their late twenties they are failures as a women.

If she's divorced and into her thirties, greater than 80% chance she's a broken, tormented, hypergamous, predator, feminist. Basically a loser only good for sex. She should be treated as such.

If she's single and unmarried and in her later twenties, she's likely a used up alcoholic whore attempting to predate upon men to extract wealth so she can become the divorced predator above.

Basically if a women isn't married and creating a family no later than 25 she's likely extremely broken and a low value and a worthless mate. I see why Jews push women to invest in college (delay them and create financial burden on a useless degree). I completely understand why many ancient cultures declare women old maids by 25. Because they are. Effectively only good for sex after this point. As Shakespeare makes clear, they become toxic shrews.

A women's capital is her youth, appearance, fertility, and ability to nest (home making). All of which, save the last, are peaking at 16-20. Maybe slightly later if they have truly exceptional genetics. But it's all downhill after that. Whereas men's value is just starting to grow at 25.

This is why marriage of younger woman to older men (16-20f to 25-30m; and the young female age ensured virginity) was once the healthy norm, because it's good for everyone (men and women) and society. Feminism is a Jewish cancer. Any metric which confirms infection is a major red flag.

[–] 1 pt

A women's capital is her youth, appearance, fertility, and ability to nest (home making). All of which, save the last, are peaking at 16-20

Careful with that thin line. Normalization of pedophilia is a violation of the ToS.

[–] 0 pt

This isn't pedo normalization. It certainly is not my objective. This is a historically accurate description of why those norms once existed. Also, this is in the context of marriage, not random abuse of children.

If you feel discussing historical norms and why they existed violate the TOS I'll delete or modify the comment.

[–] -1 pt

I assume you aren't married. Desperate man getting old. Get a dog.

[–] 0 pt

I'm married and our marriage is the envy of all that know us. So much for your judeo-feminist brain rot programming.

You just confirmed you're suffering from judeo-brain rot and judeo-feminism. Oy vey.

[–] 1 pt

So women have very little to offer a man besides sex?

But if you only consider a woman worthwhile if she cranks up your libido, how does marriage fix that?

Nature intentionally makes BOTH men and women less sexually attractive as they get older, so they'll stick around and raise the kids. That's when a healthy relationship turns to supporting each other and sharing responsibilities. It can be lovely. But only if the man is a responsible adult too. You don't come across as being one.

[–] 2 pts

So women have very little to offer a man besides sex?

It depends. If you like her to be brainwashed by liberalism and vote for Fuck Joe Biden, have a "career," outside the home, watch Talmudviision, have no children and cats, then, yea, she'll have value, I suppose.

I prefer a traditional woman who understands her part in society and is a partner: not some loud feminist.

[–] 1 pt

Women need to stop acting and looking like ladyboy whores and they will become surprising noticeable.

These stupid bitches need to realize their abortions and homo activities have decimated the White male population (war? drug addiction?) for generations to come. These old cunt cows better start checking out the hordes of reproducing age males that are being brought in by the gubmint.

[–] 0 pt

Why are men so desperate to convince each other they are the be-all end-all for women? They're not usually the best companions. Often they'd rather grunt and belch than converse. Their judgmental double-standards are toxic.

I never felt more lonely and isolated than when I was married. Yeah, that's right. Marriage is FUCKING LONELY. Kids do not provide companionship for many years.

Alone does not always equal Lonely.

[–] 0 pt

You sound like a washed and used up roastie. You don't belong here. Begone roastie.

[–] 0 pt

Post glow nipples