Ironically, that is Why they go to the gym. To have people admire their body. She would be mad if NO ONE looked at her.
Sluts are stupid.
The only reason roasties go to the gym, is to be stared at by Chad. Not Chad? 'HE'S MOLESTING ME!!'
Pete then pulls out his ID card to prove to them that he is blind, to which the manager responded: "Okay, but you still can't make other gym members uncomfortable by looking at them."
Perhaps it was a genuine mistake for the women.
But the response of the manager is infuriating white knight simping.
My body my choice where I point my eyes bitch!
How would she know he is blind
perfect. I am going to use this excuse next time
Huh, To go up to guys and ask why are they staring at you ????
No dummy. stare at chicks in the gym and larp like I am blind
Um, bc he told her. Duh !!.
I imagine him suitcase carrying a 45 plate in one hand with a white cane in the other.
(post is archived)