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https://bigleaguepolitics.com/march-study-points-to-pervasive-mental-illness-among-white-american-liberals/ https://www.eviemagazine.com/post/over-50-percent-white-liberal-women-under-30-mental-health-condition https://pic8.co/sh/6Setvy.gif

(post is archived)

[–] 12 pts

Isn't that about how many voted for Biden?

[+] [deleted] 2 pts
[–] 0 pt

That's the population of the most prolific posters on twitter and that also means that interacting with these mentally unstable people on twitter is pointless

[–] 0 pt

Liberals just need a target of convenience to point their hysterics at.

[–] 9 pts (edited )

The more I keep on reading these the more that I think this is just anti-white propaganda.

I think this says more about what these people consider mental illness than what is actual mental illness. I am now starting to suspect, like most medical science being 50% fraudulent and non reproducible, that this is someone carefully selecting data to make it say what they want it to say.

For example, everyone keeps on talking about young white women going off to college and going crazy, but that is an evil way to look at white women. They are just doing what white women have been doing for a million years: a woman joins a mans tribe and transforms her self and adopts the new tribes beliefs and value systems. When a young white woman goes to college, she is just following her natural genetic pre-disposition. If she ends up in a leftist cult, that is the fault of us white men from giving up control over our culture and cultural institutions.

That is to say that even if there was any mental illness diagnosable in those studies, what they are probably measuring is the lack of white male leadership in our society and relationships that is result in the female tendencies toward negative emotion + insecurities.

I think it is time we stop listening to these so called doctors and scientists and start paying attention to the deep knowledge burried in our genome.

It's time to start taking our countries back.

[–] 7 pts

Neurosis is a real thing. It can be created by MSM and leftist indoctrination. No reason to believe it's anything other than it seems.

neurosis [n(y)o͝oˈrōsəs] NOUN medicine a relatively mild mental illness that is not caused by organic disease, involving symptoms of stress (depression, anxiety, obsessive behavior, hypochondria) but not a radical loss of touch with reality. Compare with psychosis.

The entire leftist M.O. centers on creating neurosis among the vulnerable population. No group is more vulnerable than women and children.

[–] 3 pts

Eve bit the forbidden fruit. It’s embedded into her mind to fall victim of the lies of the serpent. She doesn’t understand why it’s forbidden. Because without thinking, Adam just avoided it on the word he was given. The serpent is the ancient term we use jew for today.

[–] 0 pt

The old testament is the council of Nicea edition of the talmud.

[–] 0 pt

What's necessarily wrong with using it as a learning tool. The whole point of the stories in it is to show people what jews get up to when they turn away from God and get repeated punished for it.

[–] 0 pt

That's incorrect, sorry. The Serpent reflects the Kundalini and reflects spiritual empowerment. This is why Jews curse the Serpent so Goyim stay as animals. These curses are further empowered by the psychic energy Christianity and Islam.

Many white men were raised by single moms and female teachers. Those with dads, still spent far more time with their mother. 3/4 of elementary teachers are female.

Men nowadays spent most of their early life under female authority. They are raised by women. Is it any surprise that they are more effeminate than previous generations?

[–] 1 pt

That reads true as well. But I do think there are not only possible solutions, I think those solutions could be simple enough and interesting enough to turn the tide.

Just look at womens comments here and elsewhere on this topic. They too agree with us.

It's like everyone not only sees the problems for what they are deep down but also can read from an ancient book of truth built into our dna about the right way forward.

I think we can turn this franchise around.

If everyone were to see the problem and had the solution in their DNA, we wouldn't be in this mess right now.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Women are pushed hard to go to college by everyone- parents, media, teachers. It's very difficult to go against that social push. They then enter in a world in their sexual peak thats swimming in drugs and alcohol and encouraged to sleep around. After all, if it was bad why would everyone, including her parents, encourage her to go to such a place?

And then if they manage to realize the err of their ways, they're basically considered trash by people in these circles for lack of purity. I'm not saying to marry the chick with 100 sex partners, but damn, whites are literally gonna go extinct if men refuse to date a woman who had a couple boyfriends.

Unless you were raised by the Amish, and you lived a mostly typical American upbringing, then you were submerged in jewish cultural bullshit. And thia goes for men too. Can women find a guy who hasn't watched a ton of degrading porn? Or hasn't consumed a diet filled with estrongenic compounds? Or didn't take brain damaging vaccines throughout childhood? Or isn't afraid to go to the grocery without a mask?

I don't want to blame men for everything- past generations were duped and many of our finest men were lost in brother wars. That's some traumatic generational scarring. We have all sufferred and some of us have woken up and know we have a lot of work to do.

And women piss me the fuck off too, but overall, there needs to be some degree of redemption within this whole movement for men and women who grew up in this modernity hellscape.

Females crave solid male leadership and can be very loyal. Never forget, Eva Braun was Hitler's ride or die till the end even when some of Hitlers men, like Himmler, stabbed him in the back.

Some people are salvageable. We have to get our shit together.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

To all the ladies posting in this thread, I just want to let you know that you might be surprised how interesting most men find your feedback.

I think we all appreciate it.

We love to complain, but that is just us blowing off steam. You're just walking into the middle of nonsense that we talk about, which usually isn't fully fleshed out. But, it's obvious our women here know that.

I don't know if most women know that the most important thing in a relationship for a man is the signaling that communicates that she is ON HIS TEAM, HIS TEAM EXCLUSIVELY AND WILL DEFEND THE HONOUR OF THE TEAM TO THE DEATH.

As men, we are not sophisticated enough (not without training anyway) to separate love from the pragmatic component of a relationship which for a man is the building and leading of his own new tribe and finding that partner that will back him to the end of time. I think women know this on an emotional level and certainly use this messaging as part of their survival strategy regardless, but for men, it is ENTIRELY PLAUSIBLE to start a relationship from a place of respect and collaboration and have love bloom out of that.

Every man knows of that ultra ugly girl in class they cannot really imagine being with but if you get to know them and they happen to have a certain kind of intellect and signalling that indicates this could be a super solid clan member, they suddenly transform into something more. This isn't by accident and that girl didn't suddenly become more beautiful. Men have a part of their brain dedicated to evaluating members of the hierarchy and if that part of the brain starts to see evidence of a potential solid team member, it will override other parts of our perception systems. I think women have similar systems in place, but they probably work slightly differently, I think this is what the perpetual female shit testing is all about. It's a part of their brain perpetually testing the commitment of their team member for lots of different reasons, including the perpetual testing for how secure the environment is for their children.

Anyway, I wanted to share a few ideas with everyone:

1) THE SONG OF OUR PEOPLE - When I listen to french white women speak, to my white male ears it sounds like they are singing. I use french as a reference point because it is a kind of sing/songy language, but to male ears women speaking sounds like singing to me.

Extending that metaphor to the conversations that we see on this forum a little bit, if we squint with our collective ears, I think we are all starting to hear the song of our people. Aren't we?

There is the call of the men in this thread singing "where are our women in this war ... " and the response of our women saying "... we are here, why haven't you called".

Then there is the the song of sorrows and grief.

Then there are songs of optimism and songs of beautiful new families.

//EDIT: After re-reading our womens posts: Then there are song of redemption.

And then there are songs about our ancient gods. I think everyone kind of is starting to hear the ancient thunder calling to us in the distance.

That last on I added. Not only am I starting to hear the songs of our people, I have a deep need to search for meaning in words, narratives and mythologies that are EXCLUSIVELY our own and not those of our enemies.

Don't you guys find it interesting that there is no porn and no deviant behaviour here or on any similar forum? Don't you find it interesting that the burried within the complaints and worries are basically the same narratives lines of our beautiful children, our beautiful people our beautiful future? Compare the wholesome narratives on here with the utter degeneracy and complete lack of any narrative at all on all the degenerate strongholds like Reddit, Twitter, Youtube, Facebook?

It's REMARKABLY consistent if you apply even the slightest analysis to the conversations.

I think I'm not the only one starting to hear the songs of our people. I think there is more going on here than just us wasting a bit of time online.

To that end, my thanks to the owner of this site and the mods not editing our lyrics, so to speak.

2) RELATIONSHIPS - Adding to the above I think all of you are starting to flesh out some common narratives that bind us all.

The song present in all of our conversation is the call and response of our men and women searching for each other and for meaning in a deeper and more ancient story.

I think we may have found a narrative through line to bind our people through the hard times ahead.

In this very thread where our women are sharing their narratives, I finally realized why I keep on watching Red Ice.

//EDIT: I love Odyssey but their fucking url schema is pure jew garbage. Fuck you Jeremy Kauffman. My links to Red Ice on Odyssey get fucked on this forum for some reason.

I don't watch Lana and Henrik because they have anything terribly interesting to say. I only mean that there are only a few deep insights anyone can have in a lifetime, everything else is supporting narrative of those insights.

I just realized that the reason I watch Lana and Henrik (beside Lana being a hottie) is their relationship. Is there a more wholesome couple on the planet? What these two have endured and continue to endure and just put them selves out there is unbelievably amazing. I think I watch them as an inspiration and example for what a white family and a warrior relationship can be.

Remember, my post above about visualizing a bronze statue of a viking in full armour and weapons, his wife standing next to him in full armour and weapons and their kids in tow? I just realized these two really exemplify that.

Anyone know how Lana met Henrik? I cannot find the video, but there is a video where she describes that she was looking for something, found Henriks videos online and liked his perpetual fight for what he believe was right. She then showed up in Sweden and went to see him.

How is that for a song of our people?

I think what BurningHelena wrote about our people marrying around 20 and being co-equal members in a fighting tribe (as have many men on here pointed out as well over the last bit) is indicative of our true nature.

Only our peple have been provided this unique gift by our gods.

This is going to be one of the pillars of how we get our people moving forward again.

3) MYTHOLOGY - I have also been thinking about words, narrative and mythology.

There is a lot to be said about Christianity. A lot of negatives, but there are a bunch of positives as well. One of the positives is that, perhaps by accident, Christian texts have managed to embed into them a kind of skeleton of some of our ancient ways. Our people did not have writing systems (that we know of, certainly there some evidence of symoblic representation but no translations as they are so rare) and so we did not manage to pass on our ancient ways in recorded form. So, for all the negatives, Christianity accidentally managed to bring along with it written skeletons of our ancient ways. For example, easter is a pagan tradition that got embedded into the bible. There are many such skeletons of our ancient ways in there for us to mine, revive and build upon.

If you think about what has been written in this thread about our men and women being co-equal members of a war tribe, we can EASILY see Christianty as not being of our peoples mythology. It is an imposition, an overlay, of the middle eastern garbage notions of subjugation and submission of a people with an extremely low iq to an idea of a horrific god king. The more that I am exploring this idea the more that I see that in our mythologies we do not have the concept of submission. The concept of submission is EXPLICITLY a concept of a lesser mind that hails from the hell that is the middle east.

I have this visual in my head of building on the notion that if we were to extract just the ancient skeletons of our mythology from the Christian teachings and other known records that we would gain an opportunity to build out our own mythology based on our true nature as white people.

For me, the current hook into this idea is this sentence: "I keep searching for our ancient gods on the barren tundra. I hear thunder in the distance ..."

I also have the visual of the bronze statue of a tall viking in full armour holding a spear, his wife next to him in full armour holding a sword with a pile of their kids in tow.

Now, in this thread, I have the visual of the songs of our people. I'm starting to hear them everywhere I go, but I first found that thread here amongst you.

All of you posting keep on adding to this in an unbeleivably consisten narrative manner.

In addition to the idea of the visual of the family as a war tribe above, the visual of a mythology that brings together a rich set of narratives as TOOLS for our people is starting to form. A mythology that, on the one hand gives us access to the numinous (this has real psychological reasoning: the numinous is a way to imagine beyond the known limits of the self, it is a key psychological driver of group success. It is also why you keep on seeing imagery in America of America being dead, these are your enemies trying to suppress your access to the numinous capacities of your people to dream beyond them selves.) but as well it gives our ancient mythologies a whole set of new tools for our people: it can help bind us all in a united narrative around real tools that can provide access to meaning through training, relationships, business and many many other tools that are not taught to our people to keep us week and dependent.

Instead of going to a Christian church subjugating your self to a middle eastern god, we now have the opportunity to build a center of divine inspiration that brings together mythology, education, resources and opportunity.

In other words: Christiany is dead. Our ancient gods stir once again. Our mythology is a rich and dynamic mythology that provides an unseen infrastructure and access to each other through a deep spiritual connection that is written into our dna.

I think it is time to grow Yggdrasil through the dead bodies of our enemies.

Some sing the word sof sorrow here. I keep on stitching your words together and I see no such thing. I only see a bright future for our people.

Lastly, on this point, I want to thank all of you for the chatter. I always wondered why I rejected Christianity as a young man. Now I am starting to understand: I rejected it because it did not resonate with me on a genetic level. It is a deviant mythology not of my people, it doesn't ring true. Deep in my dna, our mythology is recorded. All of the pitter patter on this forum (and a few others) seemed like a waste of time at first until I started to rewire the loose strings of a tapestry that everyone is dragging around. This mythology is reflected in your words, all that is necessary is to bring them together, they all somehow fit.


Forgive my indulgence, I had to write this down while it was fresh. I have wondered why it has become so easy to write things like this in one go. I think I'm starting to realize that there is a deep resonance in the words you guys write, as if you guys are reflecting a set of ancient stories that need to be re-told.

Bloody hell, you guys are awesome.

[–] 0 pt

Thanks for this thoughtful and interesting reply. A lot of what you say deeply resonates with me.

I don't know what to make of Christianity. I wasn't raised in the church but I greatly respect its impact on many of our people- it has been a force of good for many. But in many ways, it does seem alien and strange. Like, the only way I like Christmas and Easter is with all the pagan imagery. I enjoy the message of everlasting life with the spring renewal stuff.

And I will say, I have met some incredibly fierce moms who have become very sensitive to the societal threats we are experiencing. They don't totally get the JQ but get that there is an assault on all levels. A lot of these women are doing serious community building, often times dragging their less aware husbands (which isn't ideal but shows that there is a spark among some people).

[–] 0 pt

You mean there's problems with self reported epidemiological studies?

[–] 0 pt

Interesting, behavior acquired as a result of patriachy.

[–] 0 pt

As a result of waining patriarchal control. I wonder what the model under matriarchal societies is?

Someone farts and the others henpeck her until she confesses to witchcraft. (news.bbcimg.co.uk)

[–] 0 pt

He is saying that women are ‘defecting’ to college and careers because women have historically had to assimilate in to their husbands’ tribes— it comes naturally.

Arguably matrilineal polygamy is matriarchal. This includes some africans and some tribes in south east asia and the americas.

There are a couple of groups that live in the himalayan region that practice limited polyandry, but that is mostly to brothers. Yeah, brother fuckers.

[–] 4 pts

Be careful with this sort of shit. Self reported data is largely inaccurate. Certain people are likely to respond, others are likely to lie, many can't give accurate information, those who do respond don't give equally weighted answers.

If you were to ask my in-law if he has mental health issues, or ever been told he has mental health issues he would say no. According to him, shell shock from vietnam "isn't a real thing". If I filled it out on his behalf, the results would be very different.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

Looky here folks.....we's gots areselfs an inipend'nt thinker. He not thinking the way he's told. Get 'em boys. Call him a Kike.

[–] 1 pt

There is pretty much a 1 to 1 correlation with female mental illness and kike propagandized birth control.

[–] 1 pt

Fake polls... that number is no doubtedly closer to 98%...

[–] 1 pt

Sounds about right.

[–] 1 pt

I'd bump that up to 40.. that age group and below have been attacked by the

MEEPAC harder then any group in history they have spent trillions i would guesstimate.


the jews have destroyed these women with feminism and weaked men along the way to even make it worse.

[–] 1 pt

White lib women age 18-29 are desperate to be "special needs" and "victims" so they can manipulate their families, claim government benefits, get special consideration at work or school and feel like they are an oppressed minority. They self-diagnose as having mental illness because no one can dispute it.

[+] [deleted] 1 pt
[–] 0 pt

That's a pretty big confidence interval. 45-65% of young white liberal women are mentally ill.

[–] 0 pt

And that's just the ones diagnosed.

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