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[–] 16 pts

We all know about cargo cults. That's basically women's lives

They don't think critically or rationally. They don't care for objective truths. They spend their whole live living in their own little world where their subjective judgment is the law

This is why women are terrible at stem

They like acting. They like seeing other people operate, and then mimicking them to fit in. They HATE having to think rationally and come to an objective conclusion

[+] [deleted] 4 pts
[–] 6 pts

Women are OK at Science, not top of bell curve, but OK

what they are really bad at is lateral thinking and creativity, which is why maybe everything was designed by men and all the difficult scientific problems were solved by men too.

Also note that muslims have almost zero Nobel prizes, because their culture is so inflexible

niggers just lack the basic IQ required to invent the wheel, so...

. .

the scene from the cartoon is based on the 1951 film, The Day the Earth Stood Still

[–] 3 pts

The handful of female scientists I know are pretty good at basic research and record-keeping. So I agree with what you are saying. They tend to be fine in support roles that require repetitive tasks done accurately and on-time. But they aren't having any "eureka" moments, to say the least. Zero creative spark in any technical field. They just aren't built for it. I don't think most women really understand how scientific and engineering-based systems really work. Yes, they can study the individual parts just fine, but it's just repetition and rote memory for them. I don't think they really understand how it all fits together, which makes it hard for them to see how to go to the next big step. In fairness, most men don't get it either, but some do and they are the inventors and real problem solvers.

[–] 1 pt

but it's just repetition and rote memory for them.

Apparently women's brains are wired slightly differently, their hemispheres interconnect more tightly, male hemispheres are more separate. in theory this makes for better intuitive thinking in women, but it doesn't seem to translate well.

It's a problem for HR because women might get better degrees, but are actually less effective in the workplace

[–] 0 pt

Thinking into the unknown versus following others' thinking. Of course to think on your own you have to have basic skills in checking your ideas for consistency, and a desire to falsify them.

[–] 0 pt

Top of the bell curve would actually be dead middle average.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

At least she isn't fat this time

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

I work with several female engineers. They're generally good from my experience.

[–] 1 pt

Oh god give me specific examples. I need this.

Not much to give. When I get an answer from any engineer, I double check their work if I have time. No big problems with females. I recognize that they get perks in college that white men don't get and my company has a 2 year weed-out program for new engineers before I work with them. No big problems stick out in my memory.

They normally don't stay in an engineering position for more than 10 years... promotions and life changes.

[–] 0 pt

I got a 25ish,white, brunette, thin, female with a flag of feminism raised as high as the moon. She has been here for 1 year, and I have seen her try to square off with an enginner with 30 yrs of exp, because she has to be 'right.' How she got a BSEE is a mystery. We work in defense. She asked me one day, no joke, what an aircraft carrier was. The other day day, she ask me what 'anti-aircraft' meant. Our work is very concerned with AAA fire, BTW. This girl is getting paid $$$ for being an an aboslute moron. I'm recommending that she be assigned to a 'less techinical' project. However, there are 2 other females that came on board at the same time that smoke this bitch inknowledge. BTW, only 2 girls graduated in my class. How the fuck is that my responsibility?

Lol, had some young girl on chat yesterday insist something was true that was not and refused to let it go. Know why? She FELT she was right in spite of evidence to the contrary. Typical female behavior. I am quite sick of all the ignorant motherfuckers running around thinking they are smarter than everyone else while they wallow in ignorance.

It sounds like your company needs an engineer weed-out program too. That and electrical engineers are fuggin weirdos. I mainly work with chemical and mechanical engineers.

[–] 3 pts

As a woman let me say this is not funny because of it's 100% accuracy. I'm an amazing mom (3 children- 2 medical degrees and a masters in science for nutrition) I'm a wonderful supportive wife to the absolute patriarch of our family. My biggest regret is allowing my sons to be circumcised without asking more questions (which would have caused me to refuse). But mostly, the only women I've ever known with the capacity to understand science to this level were so bat shit crazy that they didn't really bother to.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

I was in a tough as fuck program in the eighth hardest school to get into at the time. In my thesis group was a woman that couldn't even fucking spell

[–] 2 pts

She’s hot AND smart?!? Oh my gosh. Someone quick post the nigger Victoria secret model who epically owned someone on Twitter on math. Women are so smart. Men so dumb. Niggers are heckin’ valid.

[+] [deleted] 0 pt
[–] 0 pt

I remember a hottie from the computer lab all friendly and flirtatious, like some hot Russian Natasha.

She stole the program I was working on.

Good luck with that babe.

It's funny because it wasn't finished yet.

[–] 0 pt

Uh... Bigots it's steAm, because rapping is the full equivalent of scientific breakthroughs and mathematical truth.

he's right you know...

I do want to fuck those ginger girls.

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