It's not wrong, but with a weeb avatar odds are good that you'd win money betting that it is actually a white dude typing that.
While the sentiment is valid, a Japanese did not write this. The vocabulary is completely wrong, not to mention, they would never express this publicly, even if they thought it.
You're probably right
Nice try, Keiko, I’m still not fucking you.
Haha. Nice
I would gladly take a slant over an entitled Western mess.
It's a tough choice to be sure...but the mess has to be ashamed that slant-eyes are more appealing than their short purple hair
How is it that social media spread across the world but was particularly devastating to the West? You don't see these same things in Russia or Japan... or maybe I'm unaware.
The asians really were the hardest part (
Name or it didn't happen.
You're probably right
I don't disagree with this assessment, but, I have met so many retarded men that think they're hot shit that act like fucking complete morons and then demand some kind of god like status from their peers. These are the men that make women hate us because they make everyone hate them. It's harder to see it in-group but those outside the male group, women namely, can't differentiate between good and bad men and just stereotype us as an amalgamated representative of all the negative, isolated experiences they've had with the minority of retarded men.
Beta males aren't Men.
Tell that to women.
Based Asian. I remember trying to tell people stuff like this in college 10-15 years back and they just didn't fucking get it........they were so normie pilled it wasn't even funny.
I get it
lol I could care less what a woman thinks. I treat them as if they are big retarded emotional children just like niggers. Women are the niggers of the world. All women. Including Asian women.
That's legit.
Women are not equal to men and should never be treated as equal or they will destroy you with feminism. Feminism is a symptom of women who think they are equal.
(post is archived)