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[–] 24 pts

Good for her. At least she's doing something, instead of sitting with masks on like zombies.

[–] 8 pts

She’s allowed to because “she’s a minority”. I can imagine a white person doing this and it being on the fkn news as white supremacy. It’s White supremely to not want to see advertisements of your women being violated by blacks in advertisements. And the other marxist social degradation that comes along with it.

[–] 10 pts

I removed 50 Biden sighns that where on public property. It wasent done under the cover of darkness. 5pm on a weekday. Two people recorded me on thier phone. I lived to tell the tale. This was in Milwaukee Wisconsin too. Grow some balls.

[–] 1 pt

Don’t think I’ve seen any Biden signs lol

[–] 1 pt

She's no longer considered a "minority" in terms of universities and colleges' "affirmative action".

[–] 6 pts

Based chink.

Masks and phones gotta keep em distracted and sedated.

Easier to control

[–] 12 pts

Ten or twenty years ago, this would have been a normal common reaction; and the propaganda would have been abnormal.

[–] 11 pts

The media discovered in the 1960s that they could normalize anything. I was there. It started with the early squawk-outs of the modern woman's movement. They decided to force everyone not to use Mrs. and Miss but instead to use Ms. That was the beginning of everything we see today. When it started, I thought "There is no way people will be stupid enoough to use Ms." I was wrong. The media started to hammer us on a daily basis, over and over and over. They kept it up for months, and sure enough, people started to use the term Ms. The media won, sanity lost. And it's been that way ever since with one thing after another. The media overlords decide to make a word forbidden, or to create a new nonsense word, and they push it until it is accepted. They have done the same thing with degrading social morals. Push, push, push, until they get what they want. It's like a drug for them.

[–] [deleted] 8 pts

I wasn't even aware there was controversy over Ms. On the surface it doesn't seem like a big deal. If you don't know the status of a woman just use Ms. As I grew up in a time when such honorifics seemed quaint and archaic, I didn't give it much thought.

So I did a search aaaaaaand....

“Mx.” was added to Merriam-Webster Unabridged in 2016 (though it appeared in print as early as the late ’70s.) The honorific functions as a gender-neutral alternative to titles like “Mr.” and “Ms.” And—similar to “Ms.”—it doesn’t indicate marital status.

Oh for fuck's sake...

[–] 5 pts

Absolute propaganda machine and so effective. It's scary

[–] 4 pts

Ineteresting info.

I have only recently started to clue in to how much of human conciousness is controlled by media. Their control is astonishingly powerful.

[–] 1 pt

It's not the 'media'. The media are simply a tool of...those, driving social change. They've known about these techniques long before the 60s. The 60s just happened to be when they decided the cultural revolution took place. The pill was key in this.

[–] 0 pt

Edward Bernays First head of CBS published the book PROPAGANDA in 1928. Its ALL about this. Here's a quote from the KIKE who's Uncle was Freud.

"Propaganda is controlling how the public SEES a business, group or idea. Understanding propaganda will help you better understand democracy and human nature. And you'll learn to USE propaganda to spread your ideas and build a professional reputation to attract more business." 1928.

[–] [deleted] 9 pts

I find many chink women attractive but I must respect the chink man and leave them alone.

[–] 7 pts

If you have to destroy your genetic offspring and make them some amalgamated half caste mutt, at least do it with an Honoraryan.

[–] 9 pts

Don't call her chink. She speaks the truth. She hates the propaganda from the commies

[–] [deleted] 5 pts

She's a flat-face chink. Don't give a fuck who you are, we call it like it is around here. Nobody gives a shit about your or her feelings. Chinkamarinkidink-ee-dink Chinkamarinkidink-ee-doooo, you're a jew. Suck my balls.

Think about the bigger picture. Some reason Asian girls love White guys. How many white women do you see with Asians? This will cause resentment in the yellow man where they are the minority. A fuck ton more of them than us. So maybe show some respect for the chink?

I guess we can do some trades like Rachel Maddow for Leana Wen so the other race runs trains on them for fun and get it out of their system.

[–] [deleted] 7 pts

Shes more of a patriot than most of those white faggots sitting on the train with their heads down. Give her a tricorner hat.

[–] 3 pts (edited )

I'm one of these bitch-ass-losers who wouldn't rip that propaganda down. I don't want to get cited by the police for vandalism. My work requires I have a clean record or I could find myself unemployable forever (career change would be required).

But who approved that shit to be put up to begin with?

[–] 2 pts

I actually applaud you for admitting you wouldn't do it because you have something to lose. Its a nice change from all the internet tough guys here who keep screaming about the rope and CW 2 while the only thing they pound on is their keyboard and their meat

[–] 0 pt

I live a very comfortable life. Absolute gorgeous GF who loves me. People depend on me and so do a lot of Americans, to do my job correctly and effectively. It would be selfish of me to give up all of that just to express my morals in a useless show of protest.

And acting like a tough guy on the internet is cringe and pathetic.

[–] 0 pt

But who approved that shit to be put up to begin with?

Kikes. The answer is always kikes.

[–] 0 pt

Was there any form of filth or profligacy, particularly in cultural life, without at least one Jew involved in it? If you cut even cautiously into such an abscess, you found, like a maggot in a rotting body, often dazzled by the sudden light - a kike!

guess who

[–] 0 pt

tricorner hat.

Real talk, can we make this an ADL terrorist symbol?

[–] 5 pts

It's fucking racial propaganda smut. Glad she disposed of it

[–] 4 pts

A Hero is Born. The Chink is based and red-pilled.

[–] 3 pts


Once she started.. They all jumped in and started ripping shit up.

Remember that.

[–] 1 pt

Where tf is this? DC or something? Fucking signs that say pansexual and have nigs kissing white women who then stick their penis fingers through apples. My god. So glad I live in a rural area. I didn’t know shit like that was freely advertised for kids to see.

Btw, look at that masked nog all on the defensive thinking it’s okay advertisement because he would love some white flesh.

[–] 1 pt

This gives me some hope

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Yep. This needs to happen across the world.


They are poisoning us and destroying the youth while opening the borders and letting terrible people in that will make us poor because none of them will work. Great use of taxes for legitimate citizens you communist cunts!

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