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Pro-White whites move to some third or second degree shithole en masse in a coordinated exodus operation.

They overtake the place with numbers, and by other means, what's important is that it's their country now, and they open up citizenship to anyone who is a pro-white white like them.

They do their alchemist thing and turn shit into the solid gold standard for modern civilization, with the genetic infrastructure forged in the north and the natural bounty that exists in the south, and a fresh new nation with all the lessons of the past to protect them from repeating history, they can build the unexpected next superpower of the planet.

They expel the lesser races to places like europe and america, and continually expand their country by taking more and more land from the other races, each time sending the residents to these globalist infested lands of europe and america, to the point that they are forcing immigration upon places that were already subverted into adopting globalist policies.

Expansion continues until all of the third world and global south becomes a part of a large white ethnostate, the largest ever in human history, while the north is fallen into utter ruin by being swamped with evicted migrant shitskins, supported only by the very worst of whites (the majority of the ones that got indoctrinated into becoming shabbos goys), basically a total reversal takes place, unfortunately it's the whites that got left behind and denied access into the new superpower that will be made to face the consequences of this, as they will be blamed for the collapse of america and europa.

All the efforts the Jews put into destroying these places has succeeded in doing so, but failed in it's true purpose, the annihilation of the white spirit and the people who possess the unique ability to carry it in their blood, the white people they wished to destroy have escaped and now have more land and opportunity than they ever did before, what's more, they are vigilant and conscious of Jewish tricks, responding violently and unapologetically to anyone caught engaging in them.

We get nuked, but we recover, stronger than before, we get plagues unleashed on us, but we weather them well, far better than those who gave them to us, we have war declared on us, and we easily win, then we engage in punishing those who attack us with a campaign of extermination, where the cost of peace is giving up their county's lands and moving out into what remains of the ruined northern worlds, in this way, we gain our homelands back through being attacked.

Once the attempts to strike at us end, we switch gears and become the aggressors, immediately launching attacks on the countries that are the greatest threats to us, in an unrelenting campaign of conquest, until the whole of the world is ours, and the white race is in such a position of power that there is nothing on the face of the Earth that can threaten them or challenge their dominance ever again.

Whatever comes after that, is going to be absolutely platinum-gold.

>Pro-White whites move to some third or second degree shithole en masse in a coordinated exodus operation. >They overtake the place with numbers, and by other means, what's important is that it's their country now, and they open up citizenship to anyone who is a pro-white white like them. >They do their alchemist thing and turn shit into the solid gold standard for modern civilization, with the genetic infrastructure forged in the north and the natural bounty that exists in the south, and a fresh new nation with all the lessons of the past to protect them from repeating history, they can build the unexpected next superpower of the planet. >They expel the lesser races to places like europe and america, and continually expand their country by taking more and more land from the other races, each time sending the residents to these globalist infested lands of europe and america, to the point that they are forcing immigration upon places that were already subverted into adopting globalist policies. >Expansion continues until all of the third world and global south becomes a part of a large white ethnostate, the largest ever in human history, while the north is fallen into utter ruin by being swamped with evicted migrant shitskins, supported only by the very worst of whites (the majority of the ones that got indoctrinated into becoming shabbos goys), basically a total reversal takes place, unfortunately it's the whites that got left behind and denied access into the new superpower that will be made to face the consequences of this, as they will be blamed for the collapse of america and europa. >All the efforts the Jews put into destroying these places has succeeded in doing so, but failed in it's true purpose, the annihilation of the white spirit and the people who possess the unique ability to carry it in their blood, the white people they wished to destroy have escaped and now have more land and opportunity than they ever did before, what's more, they are vigilant and conscious of Jewish tricks, responding violently and unapologetically to anyone caught engaging in them. >We get nuked, but we recover, stronger than before, we get plagues unleashed on us, but we weather them well, far better than those who gave them to us, we have war declared on us, and we easily win, then we engage in punishing those who attack us with a campaign of extermination, where the cost of peace is giving up their county's lands and moving out into what remains of the ruined northern worlds, in this way, we gain our homelands back through being attacked. >Once the attempts to strike at us end, we switch gears and become the aggressors, immediately launching attacks on the countries that are the greatest threats to us, in an unrelenting campaign of conquest, until the whole of the world is ours, and the white race is in such a position of power that there is nothing on the face of the Earth that can threaten them or challenge their dominance ever again. >Whatever comes after that, is going to be absolutely platinum-gold.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt

Ok but pick a country? The few choices will be so far away that mass emigration would be unlikely, like Uruaguay for example.