From what I understand about "God", he only wants 1 thing. For us to love. At all times. Afraid we have all fallen short of that requirement. Thats why he broke "love" down into commandments. Dont steal, kill, lie etc.
The point is love. And I have failed. Regardless of my trying.
Everyone has flaws.
You are far better than many for knowing and acknowledging that you have them.
Like a wise man knowing more and more how little they know, the wiser they get.
I don't get the whole belief in God thing even though I was raised going to church. I have morality through logic, maybe wisdom and knowledge as well?
I just believe I and pretty much anyone else are two dumb to actually know and I try my best to not be delusional. Now I'm talking about myself here and maybe you see/feel/sense things that I don't. Maybe you are privy to things I am not. Maybe some day this will change for me, but I doubt it as I think I've gotten over a crest of reflection. I do unlike many try to grow as a person as I get older.
Here's something to reflect upon. Loving someone who is literally incapable of the same (psychopaths) who's brain literally works differently and doesn't allow it is suicide. There is a certain %, I think it's 2% that are full on psychopaths, and those in charge are a much higher percentage. It's easy to step on others when you don't have feelings.
>Maybe you are privy to things I am not.
I believe I may just be. Not by any merit of myself, not a brag post, but by unmerited favor. I have learned some pretty crazy things over the years. About God. And about the bible.
Freely it was given me, freely I would share.
Cheers brother, it's great that you are there for those that need/seek such a thing. Much love.
(post is archived)