I couldn't resist and now I will forever associate that name with gay cowboys like Brokeback Mountain.
If I was was Irvin I would change my name because of that.
Esoteric- "Designed for or understood by the specially initiated alone."
Symbol- "An object or act representing something in the unconscious mind that has been repressed."
Liminality- "The threshold of disorientation between pre-ritual and post-ritual mind".
Wherever you are in your understanding of our enslavement you've realized for yourself that there is a system designed to hide this reality from the masses and yet still with hesitation the fullness of this system and the conclusions therein, remain hidden behind layers of deceit unknown. Behind each reveal another mage. Controlling and channeling minds and blood through time. Without doubt there exists two classes of peoples, those who know and hold certain knowledges and those who are oblivious to their teachings and implications.
The human timeline is a complete fabrication. (OoA, MDna, Summer) A simple comparison of the genetic distance between hominids and a basic understanding of mutation principle would necessitate a prolonged human timeline. Phylogenetic comparisons of grasses verses the narratives acceptance of agriculture and language while admitting hominid skulls of equal or greater size for at least the past 250+k years (i think much longer). Younger Dryas induces Ice and populations migrate or survive near the equator and subsequently migrated outward during the this Holocene.
Catastrophes or cycles of collapse befall our kind. Megalithic sites have their creation attributed to the most loyal goy state. Wars have always been fought over them. The smithsonian/ vatican authorities have placed blinders on the goy to limit the available bandwidth of information they would be willing to perceive, unaware that they would have to think outside in order to make any true progress. A lie to gather all other conclusions upon in a seemingly logical self contained system. Yet the stone remains. Attribution of their creation given to the most loyal goystate. The rest destroyed or hidden altogether as best they could. Faces removed, mummies "lost", artwork "vandalized", records burnt by "robbers" artifacts somehow misplaced and lost. Skulls and skeletons missing. Strange ones too.
This hidden class of those who know have methods and means by which they preserve their intention generation after generation. The marks of kabbalah, masonry, gematria origin, or what is considered scientific discovery. Its in our history, inside our astrology, our biology. The Quadrivium (Mathematics, Geometry, Music, Astronomy) itself serving as the root from which they derive all else.
An introduction to the Septenary Cipher G=7 https://files.catbox.moe/zdvvj2.mp4
The average distance between the Earth and the Sun is 108 times the sun's diameter. The average distance from the Earth to the Moon is 238,800 miles, about 108 times the moons diameter. This makes it so the moon appears the same size as the sun.
content of interest;
Mystery History
Canam Missing Project
Asha Logos
Robert Sepehr
The Morgile
I couldn't resist and now I will forever associate that name with gay cowboys like Brokeback Mountain.
If I was was Irvin I would change my name because of that.
Welcome to F.A.G:
Hidden History
Counter Narrative
Esoterics/ Symbology
(post is archived)