Agree on all counts. They absolutely knew the hardware wasn't ready to go mainstream. Noseberg is first and foremost a jewish supremacist by bloodline. Similar to smartphones, there may be a few iterations, but eventually they want us all living in augmented reality, probably with an implanted chip that tracks us. The implanted chip will allow for greater "productivity" at work and interact with time tracking systems. Employers won't outright require it, but they'll make it a major pain in the ass to work without the chip. Then they will use the media and university systems to indoctrinate kids until it's "normal" to have a chip implanted, just like it's somehow "normal" to cut off the end of baby penises. They can totally do a chip if they've convinced people to mutilate male baby genitals.
They will probably release a new "virus" and use that as leverage to have the chip implanted for "contact tracing". All of this will be mandated in places like China and some of Europe, and Australia.
We might not see this in our lifetimes, but this is their agenda. They want to tag their cattle with 2.0 version tags. Smartphones are 1.0. The point of this is population control, both in terms of headcount, but also eliminating resistance and increasing compliance.
(post is archived)