ITS ACTUALLY CIA funded (seriously, for real) Check out MAJORITY of Series D funding round for Facebook!
Check it out!
Its a list of known CIA people!!!!
And not only series D round investors.... the BOARD!!!! Yes the BOARD of Facebook were CIA :
Facebooks early board had strong government connections. Breyer, Thiel, Gilman Louie, and Sean Parker all worked for the CIA or CIA consulting companies in the past. They understood the rather obvious utility Facebook would have as an intelligence gathering tool.
facebook = CIA
The purpose was NOT data on you... it was "6 degrees of separation". basically whoever was a terrorists friend had a link to others in a series of connections
To make the list more accurate and prune FALSE FRIEND connections.... CIA paid BurgerKing to give a FREE WHOPPER, UNLIMITED QUANTITY, to unfriend people whom were friends BEFORE the promotion started.
The millions of "unfriended" dramatically tightened up the data for CIA to track Muslims on Facebook
How did zuckerjew become the head is he ex CIA?
CIA took over mainly in funding round C and D
So nows he's basically a code monkey for the CIA in a company he previously owned
So you're suggesting it was a DARPA project that, when "abandoned" got turned over to the CIA? I imagine they'd conceal it via "consulting" work and various layers of compartmentalization, but following the money says enough. Regardless, Zuckerbot definitely isn't anything more than an inhuman stooge.
CIA paid burgerking to get people to unfriend each other
Okay, what? I hate asking for sources, but this is hilarious and I want to read what their fraudulent explanation that they inevitably gave was.
CNET Jan. 12, 2009 : Delete 10 Facebook friends, get a free Whopper
Funding reimbursement to Burger King for that huge program to clean up college casual connections, came from US gov CIA for the "badwill" and cost of whoppers. I recall Burger King had a few waves of this deletion promotion.
Just as suspected, it was a campaign to "poke fun at social media". Gone are the days of not taking he internet too seriously and that really sucks. These days we have feds following us around and playing tricks on us like subscribing us to magazines or ordering us pizzas if we say something we think is funny on the internet.
It's a mockery, really. Not only do these people have no sense of humor, we get punished if we do... Man, now I feel old.
(post is archived)