If we had tunnels underground, the power grid could be updated to something much more secure and manageable.
If we had tunnels underground, the power grid could be updated to something much more secure and manageable.
A good part to this shit would be if the wires were deep enough under ground, the worry about solar storms knocking out a power grid goes way down.
A good part to this shit would be if the wires were deep enough under ground, the worry about solar storms knocking out a power grid goes way down.
Solar storms, weather, etc. lots of issues are mitigated. Plus, access can be easily built in and decreases maintenance costs - tree trimming or wind or ice storm impacts to name a few.
Solar storms, weather, etc. lots of issues are mitigated. Plus, access can be easily built in and decreases maintenance costs - tree trimming or wind or ice storm impacts to name a few.