If he starts doing this everywhere, it would change things in big ways. If all traffic was moved underground, to one way streets with no pedestrians and no accidents, all of the surface roads in cities could be ripped out and turned into gardens. No more need to clear snow from roads. No more worries about driving in the rain etc. There would be a big vulnerability of having the power go out and people being stuck underground with no lights, but I guess if you had a nuclear power plant dedicated to providing the power to the transportation system, that would not really be a problem. If we all started using this service, and roads were pretty much gone from cities, we'd (most of us) likely get rid of cars and not ever get one again, which would put us at the mercy of the system. I think I would still like to live on the outskirts, or just outside of a city (or better yet, in a small town) just so I could still have a car and be able to get it on the road.
I don't think this would eliminate the above ground roads in any major city. While it moves people very well, to my eye it doesn't provide for the delivery of goods to businesses or moving things between business locations.
He would probably have dedicated tunnels just for moving goods, which of course would use his cyber trucks or some larger version that he has yet to invent.
What about deliveries and emergency services (amberlamps, fire dept, pawleece n sheeeit)?
Don’t forget the social workers and behavioral health specialists!
Deliveries would probably be local drop boxes. Dedicated tunnels for emergency vehicles. I'm not a fan of this.
Sounds like the 15 minutes city agenda
I don't think people understand geology much and how widely it can vary over short spans. Drilling holes under buildings that weigh millions of lbs is also another issue. Drilling 12' tunnels is nothing new.
Chink buildings falling over is a great example of this.
He supposedly has plans for most major cities. Not all, because places with extensive subway systems (like Manhattan) wouldn't work, but quite a few.
If the libtard keep fucking up places like NYC, he'll be able to buy the whole city cheaply when it is completely abandoned and overrun with wild niggers.
Yeah, but who the hell would want to buy something with no value and that can't be restored? :-)
If we had tunnels underground, the power grid could be updated to something much more secure and manageable.
A good part to this shit would be if the wires were deep enough under ground, the worry about solar storms knocking out a power grid goes way down.
Solar storms, weather, etc. lots of issues are mitigated. Plus, access can be easily built in and decreases maintenance costs - tree trimming or wind or ice storm impacts to name a few.
(post is archived)