A neural lace isn't a tracking chip, though, when proles get it it's probably coming with strings attached like a chip but the sort of special forces guys who will get it are already chipped. Like I said before you hating musk doesn't make twitter a less fertile ground for our cause, musk's actions have actively enabled us to reach more people. Don't assume I'm not skeptical of musk or his intents, but also pay attention to the difference between his words and his actions. He promised users and the ADL he'd keep yoel roth in place, then fired him a day later he, keeps promising the kikes shit very publicly then actively working to undermine the promises he gives them.
I'll say it again quit bitching into the wind and go try to apply yourself to the fertile minds open to you on twitter, or go take a walk, seems like you could use one.
...or go take a walk, seems like you could use one.
Rofl. I made that comment from the gym. You seem to be projecting. (((musk))) banned Kanye for posting a picture of (((musk))) with known jew-controller rahm? emmanuel. (((musk))) kept jonestein banned because "but muh children". (((musk))) does everything lock-step with jews.
but he got rid of child sexual assault things!!!
Commenable, very, but a losing battle that the prior twitter was going to lose regardless. While the ides of sexualizing children is jewish, the idea that even kikes can't see when to pull back in specific and small areas is ludicrous.
(post is archived)