It could be interesting for the project to get a boost from musk, which in turn could lead to a musk penetration of the linux world, which could help to clean house when it comes to problem glass people inside the said linux world
Because as things are, it's turning more and more into garbage bloatware, now maybe I'm hallucinating, but that's the sentiment I have since a while now
You are correct. More and more sjw commiefaggots are infiltrating the tech world and change it to fit their degenerate views.
Yeah the woke policies are pretty bad, and to render matter worse, the technical part seems deteriorating, it feels like they keep adding features all over the place, just for the sake of adding features, features that aren't super necessary, while the fundamentals seem to.. Yeah deteriorate
Take VLC for instance, there was a time when VLC was just flawless, and did put to shame all other alternatives for years
Now... Not so much...
It's just one example on top of my head, the fact is that I have more and more wtf moments here and there, it's annoying
Isn't VLC a gay frog based project or did they gave it up to commiefags?
(post is archived)