Coward Musk doesn't want to be Kanye'ed.
Lol, justify harder.
Coward Musk doesn't want to be Kanye'ed.
Lol, justify harder.
He stole the jews, that's what he did, it's the battle for who gets the jews again
LMFAO Zognald Trumpstein not allowed back on (((Twatter))) because the (((ADL))) doesn't like him.
Top kek.
And yet he'll still spend 24/7 sucking the jew and nigger dick.
Sounds like he had a visit from the "suits".
Was going good for a few days. Sad.
This is an odd reversal on Musk's part. I have a feeling the Jews must have put the fear of God into him.
The quote in the title isn't a quote from musk, it's just words with quotes around, nobody except the author of this piece ever pronounced that particular sentence
Now what musk actually said on the matter:
>Twitter's content moderation council will include representatives with widely divergent views, which will certainly include the civil rights community and groups who face hate-fueled violence
It's a tad different
That being said, if I were him, I would have told all those komissars to fuck off and go find a real job, learn to code lol
And I sure would have ended with half the planet against me, at least, starting with all the jewry in the US, which basically means the entire US warmachine, europe also evidently, and I don't think china and russia or iran or pakistan or india would have backed me, mostly because they aren't exactly the very definition of freedom of speech absolutists
It would have been bad for business, that's for sure, that's a given. You can't serve god and money and that's something musk is going to have to understand, with all his real or supposed good intents toward humanity...
Or they've been with him the whole time...
This title is an outright lie.
Do your part to downvoat this glownigger propaganda.
We shall see. I'm testing the algos daily. It was better for a hot minute, then started going back to garbage in two days.
I made an info graphic so it's easier for you to understand.
Stop idolizing Gaylon
You just linked to the same garbage and it still does not show Elon saying that the adl will moderate twitter.
It is full of bullshit claims. Fuck off kike.
Look at the people you retard. He said clear as day he is taking policy enforcement advice directly from the ADL. Who the fuck do you think Jonathan Greenblatt is retard?
It is full of bullshit claims
It's Elons tweet you fucking brain dead sheep.
It does appear that the white racial group has no representative.
You noticed that too?
From the link:
On Tuesday, Musk revealed that a small group of far-left “civil society leaders,” including the ADL, will be given tools to ban users and delete content that they deem to be “hateful.”
Also, a direct tweet from elon:
Elon Musk @elonmusk Replying to @elonmusk @yoyoe and 8 others Twitter's content moderation council will include representatives with widely divergent views, which will certainly include the civil rights community and groups who face hate-fueled violence
Let's not make the claim that this is proof that the ADL has cart blanche to do as they please. We shall see in the near future if twitter will allow naming the jew.
Fair point; i was simply providing the source of the title, which caught me by surprise..... while it doesn't state they'll be the final word in moderation, the title says the (((ADL))) will have a hand in it. The quote from musk provides that validation. His word is inconsistent at best, so what ultimately happens remains to be seen.
Save us Elon... Lol lol. Twitter sent to the gas chamber.
Hahahahahahahahahaha! Where's the elon nut gobblers now?
(post is archived)