Actual programmer here, my day yesterday: - Wake up at 5am to take the missus to the train station (long story)... - come back home and get my son up at 7 to go to kinder, drop him in town then come home and start work ~8:30, - code furiously until lunch time because a big client has put in a bunch of feature requests a month before release (release is end of October). - spend lunch time working on my greenhouse (will post about it once I get it done.. might take a while). - back to coding, duck into town to pick up my son and missus - quick dinner - back to coding (occasional break to shit post on the internet). - 9pm bath and bedtime for son - back to coding... finish around 11pm
Rinse and repeat.
Within twitter, there are probably less than 100 people who actually do anything worthwhile or have fundamental knowledge about how it all works technically. The rest can be replaced or permanently removed.
Same, yesterday 8am start, finished at 10:30pm. Stopped for lunch, dinner and fag breaks and that's it. I was watching this video thinking how it would actually be quite nice to have a workplace with those amenities, so during a 12 hour workday you could take a workout in their fancy gym, or get a nutritious meal served up gratis. Presumably that's why those features are there - for the autist coders in the basement holding the edifice together, to try and give them some semblance of a work life balance. I bet they never use those facilities and it's just the dossers, like the woman in the video, prancing and laying about all day who have the time to use them.
I have similar thoughts. They need devs to write occasional feature enhancements, infrastructure people to keep the servers/network/storage/etc running, and a smattering of legit business people (accountants, lawyers, etc), but I dont buy for a moment that Twitter needs more than a fraction of its employees. They can fire 95% of their lunatic content moderators and tell people to get a court order or the content stays up.
The real 'workers' in any place like that are the incel autist loners in the basement. The rest is just window dressing.
(post is archived)