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[–] 4 pts

I always knew security and anti-virus/malware companies would play a big part in the collapse of our technical systems. Same goes for pharma companies and the collapse of health systems. The end approaches.

[–] 2 pts

Consolidation of power/authority is what (((they))) like, makes everything so much easier to infiltrate and control.

I never wanted anything to do with my personal stuff going on the cloud for this reason.

[–] 2 pts

I never wanted anything to do with my personal stuff going on the cloud for this reason.

You don't have to put things on the cloud for the cloud to affect you. This is one such case. Internet services are embedded in everything now and there is little escape.

[–] 1 pt

True, but I meant storage of my personal files/pics/programs. A big part of the reason I still have my old Gateway - all of my purchased software is loaded on it. Newer systems rely on cloud based software services and in many cases the last I checked, the end user can no longer buy/own the executables and store them on their local systems. My system is stand-alone and essentially pre-cloud. I use the kindle for web browsing so my old Gateway Desktop essentially only handles business email, business letters, excel spreadsheets, some powerpoint based promotional stuff, a few old MS Project files of my past endeavors, etc.

[–] 1 pt

Security software is a huge liability. The people demanding this software be installed usually have no idea what it is doing or what it is capable of doing. This software typically has full root access to your system.

I find that people who work specifically in IT security are hacks who could not cut it as real systems administrators. They are notorious for blindly following security checklists.