I'm starting to build circuit boards and running into a problem that many components are SMD and I can’t buy them in SIP or DIP format. I’ve seen online that you can actually solder SMD by reflowing. Now my question is, can I buy hobby tools capable of this kind of work? I don’t want to buy a reflow oven and a microscope for hundreds or thousands of dollars and so on. I will probably build under 10 boards a year. They will generally be two layer boards with components on one side and pretty small (4”x 4”) for the most part.
What things do I need? I realize that I need some kind of solder paste. Is there a specific kind I need? It looks like a syringe is good to have. It looks like I need a solder wick to lift excess solder. I’m not sure if I need a bottle of rosin since it’s generally in the paste and solder wire.
I'm starting to build circuit boards and running into a problem that many components are SMD and I can’t buy them in SIP or DIP format. I’ve seen online that you can actually solder SMD by reflowing. Now my question is, can I buy hobby tools capable of this kind of work? I don’t want to buy a reflow oven and a microscope for hundreds or thousands of dollars and so on. I will probably build under 10 boards a year. They will generally be two layer boards with components on one side and pretty small (4”x 4”) for the most part.
What things do I need? I realize that I need some kind of solder paste. Is there a specific kind I need? It looks like a syringe is good to have. It looks like I need a solder wick to lift excess solder. I’m not sure if I need a bottle of rosin since it’s generally in the paste and solder wire.
(post is archived)