No, we were over thrown in 2012
1963 is when the UniParty took over the USA in my mind. LBJ planted the seeds of destruction through his "Great Society" initiatives. The John Birch Society was disparaged, Barry Goldwater was undermined. We The People were so disgusted with LBJ that he didn't run for reelection in 1968 and Richard M. Nixon won against Hubert H. Humphrey in a landslide. The activist dems were so pissed at Democrats that the 1968 DNCC went down in history as a showcase of deranged dem violence.
Trump can fix this, but he needs We The People firmly on his side participating and demanding change. "The Show" ends with election 2024. "Panic in DC" plays immediately afterwards.
Look at all the major white countries in the world and what the jews did.
The jews have had a lot of negative exposure in the past few months, with much more to come. No argument (((Ben Shapiro))) and many (((others))) have enhanced their attacks on MAGA and anyone who disagrees with (((their agenda))), to the point of exposing themselves and their agendas to normies (
Things aren't exactly going great for (((American jews))) at the moment. I anticipate that trend to continue as more truth is realized by We The People. The jews henchmen (blackmailed, coerced, bought off elected, appointed US officials) must be neutralized before we can hope to get to the core of the problem. Trump will be the big player in making that happen. Our govt is too corrupt to fix itself.
100% agree
(post is archived)