This is one way of looking at it. But Lake never expected all ten points of her lawsuit to go through. Another way to look at it is that the case is going to be heard, which has not happened before regarding election fraud since the 2020 theft of the presidential election. Lake will actually be able to present a case in court, and get it on the record.
if she wins on just one count, it will throw shade on every other facet of the elections nation wide.
Which will do absolutely nothing. I find it strange that there’s people out here that believe great reset BbB agenda 2030 isn’t going to happen.
We all know deep in the intelligent part of our mind that the only way to change this shit failed system is bloodshed. Will never change, Not some Jewish court that gets their commands from Bolshevik mossad agents from Israel. They get away with it.
They have been for decades. The only differences now is that some (not enough) have waken up to this fraud system. But still, fails to come to the same conclusion. The system failed. A reset is needed. Away from 2030 NWO. Reset with genuine people. Not Draco Illuminati child rapist in power. They won’t betray their own system silly fuckers.
They’re all acting to give you a show.
(post is archived)