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Someone slap this guy. Dumbest statement in a while...

Did he just insult blacks, saying they are too incompetent?

Someone slap this guy. Dumbest statement in a while... Did he just insult blacks, saying they are too incompetent?

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

We all need to call out the people of bad faith on both sides who pretend things they know are not true, like voter fraud. It’s been studied a million times, it doesn’t exist. There just aren’t hordes of people showing up in grey-haired wigs pretending to be dead people and risking prison to vote for Patrick Leahy. Voting twice? It’s hard enough to vote once.

Yeah goyim, ignore all the videos showing poll workers running the same ballots through machines over and over again, all the times GOP observers were thrown out while counting was going on, videos of ballots being filled out then counted, massive vote dumps just for the Dem in the middle of the night, vote counts stopped at midnight, all the mail in ballots sent out and collected by lefty orgs, etc.

It has NOT been "studied" a million times or even seriously investigated by law enforcement like it should. Fuck off Maher.

[–] 0 pt

It has been studied- just he doesn't like the results, so he pretends there was no studying. Disgusting.

[–] 1 pt

Well when you can't read or even spell your own name... lol

[–] 0 pt

Don't they have to have some kind of ID to get all the free government handouts?

[–] 1 pt

Yeah, it's called a "social security number", they even give you this little card with it on it.

Seriously, I don't understand why "being poor" is an excuse not to get yourself a fucking ID. If you're that poor, you're already on every single gibs program that's available- maybe instead of spending $700 on a fucking wig, the negress can shell $50 out of it to obtain an ID? It's not like she worked for that money- I DID. You did, whomever is in her state paid her for nothing. And they want to say they don't have access to shit?

I would bet my fucking life that most states have some kind of way to issue state photo ID cards to even the poorest of individuals. If there's fee associated with it, I'm sure being on all of the gibs will get it waived 99% of the time... but that's not the point. You have gibs, you can spend that on essential things, SUCH AS ID.

This is one of the more ludicrous arguments coming out about voting and requiring ID. "But muh poor non-Whites can't afford ID!" If the state made voter ID mandatory, they'd probably issue state IDs for free to anyone who needed them. As if niggers are lazy poor people aren't already given enough handouts....

[–] 0 pt

Apparently that's not too hard for them. Nor is illegals getting an id to drive in CA and AZ

[–] 0 pt

Well, he's not wrong.

[–] 0 pt

I feel like there are some reading comprehension issues in this thread.