awwww your Fee Fee's ARE hurt
There's just you and me here
(Posts on a WORLDWIDE message board and thinks he's having a PRIVATE conversation) Holy Shit
You know, you're too damn stupid to be a Fed so obviously you're a wet behind the ears young douche canoe that tilts at windmills and has NO idea of how the World HAS always worked and WILL always work. SO Junior Its nearly 5 am here on the East Coast and the adults in the room have to get to work. So you feel free to sit in whatever socialist utopia you're in, collect your gubmint check and try to get people to willingly put their head in a noose because YOU say so. Maybe IF you grow up ( not old but UP) You'll stop acting like a bottle baby with a loaded diaper. Till then...have at Rambo. Let us all know when you have personally saved your OWN shit hole and maybe we'll replicate your AWESOMENESS.
Is that you wolfie?
Great comeback Potsie
When did you become the useless pussy ass faggot that you are?
I mean you obviously have nothing to contribute to this site, you're just a whiny faggot at this point, a literal useless piece of shit
What happened? You were born like that?
(post is archived)