Before I return to copy/paste I'm going to take a second to illustrate your stupidity. YOU are obviously too stupid to understand that by copying and pasting your own childish retorts back at you I am showing you (although you're too fucking DUMB to get it) and others here who are much smarter, that you are only capable of hearing yourself in your own little echo chamber so I'm just giving you back your own words to listen to. But again too FUCKING STUPID to get it. Carry on General Rambo.
Lose? Lose what? Is Poal handing out participation trophies? You'd probably love that. In any case General, You have a nice day off at the miniature fake dirt war. I'm going to go do this thing we call "work". You may want to try it once VS hanging on POAL all day. It must SUCK in a major key to be you. Pissed off ALL DAY banging out screeds on Poal and red faced with rage when you see someone actually happy and unwilling to buy into your doom porn bullshit. You are giving me MUCH entertainment. Please keep at it. I'll be able to laugh my ass off when I come from my actual LIFE vs your virtual bullshit. Hut Two Three Four General!!!!
You're a moron
Just copy paste this message to prove me right and shut the fuck up
(post is archived)