As I've been saying for almost two years, the electronic voting machines are the problem. The printing of fake ballots is noise in comparison. A shift of 25% is huge. This is what "defeated" Trump (he wasn't defeated, he won) in 2020, not the mail-in votes, not the printing of ballots, not the failure of the media to cover the Hunter Biden story. It was the rigged voting machines that did it. Of course, his victory was so massive, the Democrats still had to print ballots in key states to push that fence post, Biden, over the top numerically. But that was the final cutting of the throat after the sword was already through Trump's heart.
the electronic voting machines are the problem
The only change I would make is "biggest" because, as you listed, there are many problems of varying scale - i.e. the electronic voting machines are the biggest problem
Otherwise I'm in total agreement with you.
(post is archived)