Ducifer better sign it.
How this is even a question or needs a bill verifying it is proof our president is a fake buffoon.. but I don't need to tell you that. Just watch mumbling bumbling Sloppy Joe try to navigate a sentence or watch his pet rat, Kamaltoe the hotdog swallowing dindu hindu laughing at nothing hysterically. Or watch his drunken speaker Skeletorosi looking like a delusional senior citizen in an old folks home gazing into the distance at nothing with a weird grin of senility, almost as bad as Joey. It's like a spaceship dropped them off on Earth that came from a planet for delusional fossilized retards.
It won't mater, Texas tried to enforce its own border and SCOTUS shot it down because muh federal rights. These people don't give a fuck how many have to die for their NWO utopia
Well said. They are genocidal psychotics.
(post is archived)