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From Praying Medics' Telegram: https://t.me/praying_medic

Speculation On the Maricopa Audit

AZ Vice Chair Pam Kirby's tweet tonight (several posts prior ⬆️ ) is very telling. Kirby said the Maricopa Board of Supervisors should assume the auditors have what they need. Her comments suggest that the Senate's requests are merely an opportunity for the Board of Supervisors to get on the right side of this issue.

Somehow, they got the information they needed. Now, they're offering the Board of Supervisors one last chance. One last chance to what? To avoid criminal prosecution?

The Board of Supervisors doesn't want to disclose any more information. That's why they had sheriff Penzone write his letter about the routers. But if the Board doesn't provide the items mentioned in the subpoena, they face legal problems.

The auditors and the Senate are in the driver's seat. They don't need the passwords. They know why the county doesn't have them. The County admitted that Dominion serves as the admin for the equipment.

If, as Kirby's tweet impies, they have the information they were looking for, then they don't need the routers, either.

The requests for passwords and routers are for the sake of optics. They want the public to know the Board of Supervisors was given an opportunity to come clean. (Notice that the requests and replies are immediately made public.)

Continued attempts by the Board of Supervisors to hide election data, the media's attempts to discredit the audit, and the DOJ's threat to interfere in the audit all point to the Senate being in control of the process.

Judging by the tone and content of messaging by the Senate leadership, it seems they already have enough information to know the likely outcome of the audit.

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From Praying Medics' Telegram: https://t.me/praying_medic Speculation On the Maricopa Audit AZ Vice Chair Pam Kirby's tweet tonight (several posts prior ⬆️ ) is very telling. Kirby said the Maricopa Board of Supervisors should assume the auditors have what they need. Her comments suggest that the Senate's requests are merely an opportunity for the Board of Supervisors to get on the right side of this issue. Somehow, they got the information they needed. Now, they're offering the Board of Supervisors one last chance. One last chance to what? To avoid criminal prosecution? The Board of Supervisors doesn't want to disclose any more information. That's why they had sheriff Penzone write his letter about the routers. But if the Board doesn't provide the items mentioned in the subpoena, they face legal problems. The auditors and the Senate are in the driver's seat. They don't need the passwords. They know why the county doesn't have them. The County admitted that Dominion serves as the admin for the equipment. If, as Kirby's tweet impies, they have the information they were looking for, then they don't need the routers, either. The requests for passwords and routers are for the sake of optics. They want the public to know the Board of Supervisors was given an opportunity to come clean. (Notice that the requests and replies are immediately made public.) Continued attempts by the Board of Supervisors to hide election data, the media's attempts to discredit the audit, and the DOJ's threat to interfere in the audit all point to the Senate being in control of the process. Judging by the tone and content of messaging by the Senate leadership, it seems they already have enough information to know the likely outcome of the audit.

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts 3y

The comparison to a mafia is astute, but the government isn't the mafia, it's the parasitic globalist Jewish cult behind it. "Follow the money" is an important tactic because money is power if it can buy politicians. The ethnic nepotism of the Jews introduces high inefficiency and necessitates financial assistance. The polices they support and the programs they put in place do not make money or benefit anybody, and require a constant injection of money to be competitive and act like successes. The problem with this method is when you realize that avenue of analysis ends at the FED and the central bank. Then you realize people like Epstein bought properties for $1. Then you have find out how to analyze their intentions beyond money. Money only guarantees their influence and agency. Means to a goal. That goal, being demonic in nature.

They want the degradation of humanity spiritually and physically. They want a one-world government and enforced transhumanism. They and the the poisoning of people's souls, and the end of empathy. No mafia wants this.

And for posterity, the Maricopa county audit is just theater. Trump is a jester. The election was defrauded, but so was 2016, 2012, 2008, etc. Diebold already confirmed as much way before smartmatic. They want to divert your efforts, get your hopes up, and dash them.

[–] 2 pts 3y

And for posterity, the Maricopa county audit is just theater.

It's only going to take like 3 more months guys, hang in there while all these tax reforms plunder your future generations into complete slavery...

3 months later .... Oh darn, we failed to convince the Democrats again.

[–] 1 pt 3y

The 01 Bush win was the first computer controlled election.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

Diebold? Anyone..........anyone?

Memory holed.

[–] 0 pt 3y

I forget the guy's name but he testified before congress in 2004 saying that an ex running mate of Jeb Bush paid him to write it.

[–] 1 pt 3y (edited 3y)

Weeeeelll ... okay you are right but I don't think the ecosystem of parasitic groups is a group of one.

You are right that jews are one of the groups, but, first there are many different jewish groups that coalesce to collaborate in these schemes. Some are permanent groups, some temporary. But like all ingroup members, they have a shared value system that directionally pushes them to get into positions of power so they can even act for their group interest even in groups of one.

However, we cannot understimate all of the other groups playing these games at different levels. The amount of money behind muslim groups is staggering. Then there are various white groups of traitors and back stabbers, the chinese, the pederasts, the money launderers, the human traffickers, mexican mafias including the cartels and tons of other groups as well.

On top of that, there is a natural systems effect known as 'emergent behaviour' where you see systems exhibit intelligence greater than you would expect by just examining the individual members. You see this most effectively in ant colonies, but this happens in all systems, it can be replicated in computer simulations and certainly we sees spontaneous self organization of groups of humans into structures that seem to have a self supporting structures and value systems which can be anything from altruistic to completely evil and criminal.

Evolution is wild.

It isn't infinitely complex and the number of groups involved can be easily written down, followed and understood. But, if we beleive it's only the jews, we are not fully appreciating the complexity of the ecosystem of crime that is at play here in my view.

[–] 3 pts 3y (edited 3y)

I don't mean to oversimplify, but I do think the cause is common, regardless of the complexity of splinter groups. For instance, I know for a fact there's massive Freemason influence in the government. I know the history of freemasonry and the connection to the Jewish Frankists. I don't know the extent of commonality between them and he Mossad, but I know of the Mossad's influence as well. I'm aware of the Finders cult started by Marion Pettie of the CIA and the official/unofficial protection of them. I know of their satanic nature and incorporation of Jewish apocrypha in their beliefs, but the specifics of the organization as an ongoing group is something I don't know. I've studied left-hand cults, and despite the claims of separate origination and chaotic nature, they are MUCH more similar to each other than they let on.

I'm not very articulate here, but what I'm trying to say is that the political nature can be steeped in subterfuge and cloaked in cryptic categorization, but the motives between them is common. If I see people pushing shit that seems like their are trying to fulfill some hermetic prophesy, you can chalk it up to the usual suspects. This trans shit? This abortion/child sacrifice shit? The centralization of government? 'Collectivism' or appealing to a 'collective conscience'? The focus on shifting art into a dark direction? The shit pushed by the UN NGO's about 'reality shifting'? The idea of power as a virtue? These all come from the same vein of occult Jewish apocrypha. I don't care what group takes credit for it, but if you care to look, it almost always does come from common sources. The same dynastic Jewish trillionaires.

And to capstone this all off, I want to mention that Trump had a Kabbalah teacher growing up. Paper trails can lie when souls are the currency.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Don't forget Trump's dad donated the land for the NY holohoax museum. Also a Cohen was his mentor as a young business man.

[–] 1 pt 3y

The government just gives all your money to jews. So do most Americans because jews own almost all banks.

[–] 0 pt 3y

What do you mean "almost"? The central FED bank controls all in the US. The BIS is above that.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Well at least they care if you suffer & die horrible deaths.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Well yeah, the Chicago Outfit merged with the state and local governments in the 20's to 40's. They compete with the Rothschild mafia over the international stuff but control the local.

[–] 0 pt 3y

on submission screencap; no mention of jews


[–] 0 pt 3y

The government isnt the mafia. How else will build roads?

[–] 0 pt 3y

Well that's a start, but how about the Medical Industrial Complex which holds the entire globe and the economies of all nations hostage?

[–] 0 pt 3y

Pure speculation. The only thing that really matters is the final published results of the audit and any actions actually taken afterwards ... all this is unverified fluff to garner views and influence perceptions ...