A fact-check from Associated Press that disputes the claim(apnews.com) - archive link(archive.fo)
At this point though who can tell the truth from pravda?
5 million sent out
3 million came back
It's almost like this voter fraud stuff is lies being pushed by people that want to destroy america.
Trump had a lead in 6 states
in PA it was by over 600,000
6 dates stop counting at around the same time
but many keep recording ballots
Trump loses the lead in all 6 states
I mean, they could have made it 5/6 states to make it at least look believable.
Smart cheaters "make some mistakes"
Good bot. You regurgitate bullshit well.
The article goes into confusion between two elections, so it might not have been deliberate.
But you think letting 5 million ballots fly around free - just for one state - isn't asking for abuse?
Regardless of my beliefs this post is chinese propoganda.
Stop buying into this election fraud bullshit.
A fact-check from Associated Press that disputes the claim
This might be the gayest sentence ever typed on poal.
There's a reason I cited the source, y'know...
Still gay as fuck linking directly to a communist fact checker.
AP and Reuters are wholly owned by the Rothschilds
(post is archived)