kek at the name of that course, surely a jewish creation itself... turnabout is fair play!
Why the hell would the students put up with that shit? I wouldn't, especially if I know the instructor was just the assistant. Fuck you I'm paying to be there, you're not going to treat me like shit. That said, isntreal & Palestine can both blow each other up.
The instructor reportedly said after asking how many people died in the Holocaust, "colonizers killed more than 6 million. Israel is a colonizer."
He's factually correct here.
Inb4 someone says I'm being anti-White
Contrary to what Marxists would tell you, White people are not the only people who colonized. Arabs did it, Asians did it a lot, blacks even managed to do it some and are probably the biggest colonizers today (along with Arabs). It has certainly led to more than 6 million deaths in total.
Edit: Almost forgot to include the Turks. Unless they count as Arabs.
Jews were complaining just a few years ago that the arab world could outspend them in lobbying and propaganda and their time was limited.
(post is archived)