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Source Article (wesleyyang.substack.com)

[Source Article](https://wesleyyang.substack.com/p/taught-for-america)

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt

This is Exhibit A for why bearing false witness is a sin.

1) The median black IQ in America is 83-85. Baltimore is well into the left hand tail. You cant turn a sub-80 IQ student into a scholar. Until a bunch of leftists got their fee-fees hurt, sub-80 IQs were correctly labeled as retarded. At best you can teach them to perform a low skilled job and not become a felon. At best.

2) You can teach severely neglected or abused children. TFA preaches this propaganda. You cannot. Romania's dictator Ceausescu proved this with his orphanages. If children dont develop empathy by the age of five, they never will. The kid whose mother tortured him with a curling iron? You can guarantee he's a psychopath who's unteachable.

3) You can maintain order with shitty liberal arts college teaching in a classroom full of abused children. Ever seen a jail? Do guards talk about their fee-fees and "academic excellence"? No, they order illiterate, half-feral retards to sit down, shut up, or everyone goes into solitary until they listen.

4) It's "generational poverty"!!1!! More like an inherited IQ below room temperature coupled with state-funded school daycare.

5) Students in a Democrat shithole will be just like students in a prissy socialist liberal arts college. Tell me you've never left the lily-white first world without telling me you've never left it. You're lucky if you do t get assaulted for your hubris.

6) "I can change them". Yeah, maybe if you have an infinite supply of good foster parents, the ability to unilaterally put them up for adoption, AND a mother trucking time machine to do it as infants when they're salvageable. Even then they'll still be in the bottom 15% of their class, but at least they wont be felons.

7) "But I'm a good guy!" You're running a felon-daycare to subsidize retarded adults having children they cannot afford, thereby creating more of them. For extra immorality points, you're 100% funded by taxpayer funds extracted at gun point. Tell me more about how organized crime is the "good guys".

8) "They'll learn if I find the right instruction method". Ok skippy, let me tell you about my friend "Bob". Bob is a real live person. He actually had parenting that was simply mediocre instead of "feloniously horrific". So he actually has empathy, unlike TFA's students. Bob is right in the middle of the IQ distribution for this target demographic. Bob works at a diner as a cook. He's a nice guy, but he's barely literate. Thank goodness he's old enough that phonics was still in vogue when he was in school, so he can sound out words well enough to read his Bible. With some generous allowances for haphazard pronunciation. Bob's never going to rise above making flapjacks at the diner. If Bob wants to take a day off from work, I have to help him fill out the online form because logging into a webpage and putting his name on a PTO calendar is pushing the limits of his cognitive abilities. TFA minions with a savior complex think they can get the Bobs of the world to graduate high school, which is the embodiment of hubris.

The most honest part of this post: The comment from a doc that posted how most of the negroe medical students in his year were nearly illiterate.

[–] 0 pt

I have a hard time feeling bad for this faggot that keeps capitalizing the b in black.