people who pay taxes deciding where their tax dollars go
Crying baby (
I would vote no if I lived there. Roy is a piece of shit but he is right about some of the fundamentals of public school. BUT the way public schools are ran and by who is a huge problem. You didn't hear Roy talk about any of that... It's justifiable that parents don't want their tax money to be used teaching their kids fag theory. But giving it to "private" schools doesn't fix the problem. It's merely a workaround that, in the end, doesn't benefit us or our kids at all.
Get rid of teachers unions.
Ban fags and trannies from having jobs at or even being associated with public schools.
Give teachers raises.
Raise the quality of teachers
Special needs children should be in private schools and not in public schools slowing down the rest of the children. (We have all sorts of kids with "learning disabilities" in our school. Drives me fucking nuts.
Bring back Home economics
Teach accurate history
We need to fix it or it will turn into a cancer that infects everything. Even the "private" schools.
No, you're entirety wrong. The government has no say in what, how or where a child is taught. That's the parents job and your idea centers completely around (((communism))).
Give a government power over something and expect it to not take more and relinquish it's ill-gotten gains.
Where did I say that the government should be involved? Quote it faggot. Learn to read.
(post is archived)