They do teach "Germans bad". The soviet and ccp history, indeed any history of communist genocidal pogram is not discussed.
They do teach "Germans bad". The soviet and ccp history, indeed any history of communist genocidal pogram is not discussed.
They do teach "Germans bad". The soviet and ccp history, indeed any history of communist genocidal pogram is not discussed.
I could say a lot about Lindsay. Hes the most versed on this issue and certainty took the torch from Peterson when he went on his little bender.
But Lindsay never names the jew, or explains how the word fascist is used as a weapon or what it means. In judeocommie land, a fascist is merely anyone who OPPOSES communism or revolution. Thats it. Its not a formal curriculum in and of itself that's distinct or defined. Its just any non commie. He never says that or he even accuses others of being muh real fascists
(post is archived)