You see clearly. Exit their system as much as possible. Find sound financial options and become as self sufficient as possible. Protect your kids from public schools. Find people locally to work with and help to do the same thing. We have to start to group up IRL and build new comminities of like minded people. This will FAIL if we use their currency. It will fail if we send our kids to their schools. It will fail if we go to their jobs to be paid in their money and subject to their taxes. It will fail if we vote in their political hacks or vote AT ALL. Voting is simply supporting the system. Instead, light your fake ballot on fire and get paid in silver or BTC under the table. Its that simple.
You see clearly. Exit their system as much as possible. Find sound financial options and become as self sufficient as possible. Protect your kids from public schools. Find people locally to work with and help to do the same thing. We have to start to group up IRL and build new comminities of like minded people. This will FAIL if we use their currency. It will fail if we send our kids to their schools. It will fail if we go to their jobs to be paid in their money and subject to their taxes. It will fail if we vote in their political hacks or vote AT ALL. Voting is simply supporting the system. Instead, light your fake ballot on fire and get paid in silver or BTC under the table. Its that simple.
(post is archived)