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Put it on the "must read" list for your kids home-schooling curriculum. Along with "The Bell Curve" and "Mein Kampf". That'll get 'em started.

Put it on the "must read" list for your kids home-schooling curriculum. Along with "The Bell Curve" and "Mein Kampf". That'll get 'em started.

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts

r/Socialism will always say : "That's Not Real Socialism!"

"They did not try REAL Socialism"

"They just need MORE SOCIALISM!"

The only problem with socialism, is that eventually you run out of other peoples money to spend.

AOC's Squad , Bernie supporters, and Women USA Democrats want the USA to be a socialist paradise just like Venezuela!

[–] 1 pt

National Socialism seemed to be doing just fine in an homogenous White society, until world-wide jewry got their pet democracies to declare war on it. Look how that's working out for Whites.

It's communism that is a jew-backed utter failure.

[–] 0 pt

I may be mistaken, but it appears that you seemed to have just equated National Socialism as being a form of Marxism (kike socialism), but that it was a form of Marxism that worked. Possibly due to having the word "socialism' in its name? If so, that is due to kikes having stolen the term "socialism" from Aryans and bastardized its meaning to be Marxist socialism. National Socialism is completely unrelated to kike Marxism (socialism), and is in fact the complete opposite of Marxism just as kikes are opposite to Aryans. https://files.catbox.moe/a4qvvw.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/ytng9z.jpg

You likely did already know that and I was just misreading your comment and you were noting National Socialism as the proper Aryan historical usage of the term Socialism before that term was stolen by kikes and corrupted to be associated with Marxism.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

No "may be". You are mistaken. I do know that, and you did misread. I was using National Socialism in it's proper context. As previously stated it is not communism. German National Socialism was working. jew communism has been a failure everywhere it has been tried, with only one proviso. It has always been hugely successful for the express purpose of stacking human corpses like firewood wherever and whenever it is instituted, regardless of the original intent.

This is why National Socialism can only work in a homogenous all White, jew free society. It is unsuited for any other. The moment you introduce jews, niggers or others into the equation, it becomes diluted as the jews begin to jew, and niggers proceed to nig, each throwing their own particular type of sand into the gears of society, according to their intrinsic nature.

[–] 0 pt

We're just one purge away from utopia.